私は梨のメールを使っていますが、その送信は大丈夫ですが、if文の変数が空でもすべての$ bodycopy行が得られません。私がいない下のダッシュ。複数のボディコンテンツのフォーマット/コーディングはオフですか?複数のボディライン...梨(PHP)メール
$Bodycopy = "This information was submitted via the solocup.com website and sent to you because of the location
identified by the user. If this has reached you in error, please forward this email to ----";
$Bodycopy. "<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>";
if ($uxRequestType != "") $Bodycopy. "What kind of information do you need? : " .$uxRequestType. "<br>";
if ($uxConsumerBusiness != "") $Bodycopy. "What type of customer or vendor are you? : " .$uxConsumerBusiness. "<br>";
if ($uxGlobalLocation != "") $Bodycopy. "Global Location : " .$uxGlobalLocation. "<br>";
if ($uxCompany != "") $Bodycopy. "Company : " .$uxCompany. "<br>";
if ($uxFirstName != "") $Bodycopy. "First Name : " .$uxFirstName. "<br>";
if ($uxLastName != "") $Bodycopy. "Last Name : " .$uxLastName. "<br>";
if ($uxTitle != "") $Bodycopy. "Title : " .$uxTitle. "<br>";
if ($uxEmail != "") $Bodycopy. "Email : " .$uxEmail. "<br>";
if ($uxAddress != "") $Bodycopy. "Address : " .$uxAddress. "<br>";
if ($uxCity != "") $Bodycopy. "City : " .$uxCity. "<br>";
if ($uxState != "") $Bodycopy. "State : " .$uxState. "<br>";
if ($uxZip != "") $Bodycopy. "Zip/Postal Code : " .$uxZip. "<br>";
if ($uxPhone != "") $Bodycopy. "Phone : " .$uxPhone. "<br>";
if ($uxFax != "") $Bodycopy. "Fax : " .$uxFax. "<br>";
if ($uxProductDesc != "") $Bodycopy. "UPC or product description : " .$uxProductDesc. "<br>";
$Bodycopy. "<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>";
if ($uxComment != "") $Bodycopy. "Comments : <br>" .$uxComment. "<br>";
$Bodycopy. "<br><br>";
$from = $SendTo;
$to = "Do Not Reply <[email protected]>";
$bcc = "[email protected]";
//$to = "Do Not Reply <[email protected]>";
$subject = "--- Contact : " . $uxGlobalLocation;
$body = $Bodycopy;
$host = "-----";
$port = "25";
$username = "[email protected]";
$password = "----";
$headers = array ('From' => $from,
'To' => $to,
'Bcc' => $bcc,
'Subject' => $subject);
$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp',
array ('host' => $host,
'auth' => true,
'port' => $port,
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password));
$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);
if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>");
} else {
header ('Location: /index.php?option');
//echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");
何が間違っているのか説明しない場合、否定的な投票のポイントは何ですか?その有効な質問と私はソースコードを提供しています... – acctman