function add_cart_item() {
$id = $this->input->post('product_id'); // Assign posted product_id to $id
$cty = $this->input->post('quantity'); // Assign posted quantity to $cty
$colors = $this->input->post('color_id'); // Assign posted color to $colors
$sizes = $this->input->post('size_id'); // Assign posted size to $sizes
$warna = "warna";
$ukuran = "ukuran";
//Ini untuk warna
$sqlNameColor = 'SELECT NAME FROM ref_colors WHERE ID = "'.$colors.'"';
$queryNameColor = $this->db->query($sqlNameColor);
$color_id = $queryNameColor->row()->NAME;
//Ini untuk ukuran
$sqlNameSize = 'SELECT NAME FROM ref_sizes WHERE ID = "'.$sizes.'"';
$queryNameSize = $this->db->query($sqlNameSize);
$size_id = $queryNameSize->row()->NAME;
//Ini untuk weight
$sqlWeight = 'SELECT WEIGHT FROM v_weight WHERE PRODUCT_ID = "'.$id.'"';
$queryWeight = $this->db->query($sqlWeight);
$weight = $queryWeight->row()->WEIGHT;
$product = $this->model_product->get($id);
$data = array(
'id' => $id,
'qty' => $cty,
'price' => $product->PRICE,
'name' => $product->NAME,
'colors' => $color_id,
'sizes' => $size_id,
'colors_id' => $colors,
'weight' => $weight,
'size_id' => $this->input->post('size_id'),
'image' => $product->IMAGE,
'options'=>array('Size' => $this->input->post('size_id'), 'Color' => $this->input->post('color_id'))
$data['cart_list'] = $this->cart->contents();
show_shoppingcart('shoppingcart_view', $data);
が配列の結果である:あなたが唯一の6つの項目を追加することができる理由Array (
[698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668] => Array
[rowid] => 698d51a19d8a121ce581499d7b701668
[id] => 1
[qty] => 1
[price] => 10000
[name] => Nike superfly Merah
[colors] => MERAH
[sizes] => 34
[colors_id] => 1
[weight] =>
[size_id] => 1
[image] => assets/images/product/SB 02 - 03 Nike superfly3 merah.jpg
[options] => Array
[Size] => 1
[Color] => 1
[subtotal] => 10000
[caf1a3dfb505ffed0d024130f58c5cfa] => Array
[rowid] => caf1a3dfb505ffed0d024130f58c5cfa
[id] => 3
[qty] => 1
[price] => 30000
[name] => Nike Superfly ungu
[colors] => MERAH
[sizes] => 35
[colors_id] => 1
[weight] =>
[size_id] => 2
[image] => assets/images/product/thumbs/T SB 02 - 02 nike superfly3 ijo Stabilo 3.jpg
[options] => Array
[Size] => 2
[Color] => 1
[subtotal] => 30000
[f85454e8279be180185cac7d243c5eb3] => Array
[rowid] => f85454e8279be180185cac7d243c5eb3
[id] => 4
[qty] => 1
[price] => 20000
[name] => Nike Superfly Ijo stabilo
[colors] => PUTIH
[sizes] => 35
[colors_id] => 2
[weight] =>
[size_id] => 2
[image] => assets/images/product/thumbs/t SBI 001 03 - Nike CTR putih lis Merah 2.jpg
[options] => Array
[Size] => 2
[Color] => 2
[subtotal] => 20000
[c8ed21db4f678f3b13b9d5ee16489088] => Array
[rowid] => c8ed21db4f678f3b13b9d5ee16489088
[id] => 7
[qty] => 1
[price] => 12000
[name] => NIKE CTR Fabregas Kw Super PUTIH KOM
[colors] => PUTIH
[sizes] => 35
[colors_id] => 2
[weight] =>
[size_id] => 2
[image] => assets/images/product/thumbs/T SB 02 04 - Nike superfly3 ungu3 - Copy.jpg
[options] => Array
[Size] => 2
[Color] => 2
[subtotal] => 12000
[ccc0aa1b81bf81e16c676ddb977c5881] => Array
[rowid] => ccc0aa1b81bf81e16c676ddb977c5881
[id] => 9
[qty] => 1
[price] => 12000
[name] => ADIDAS CTR Fabregas Kw Super PUTIH KOM BIRU
[colors] => PUTIH
[sizes] => 35
[colors_id] => 2
[weight] =>
[size_id] => 2
[image] => assets/images/product/thumbs/T SBI 001 01 - Nike CTR putih lis Biru 2.jpg
[options] => Array
[Size] => 2
[Color] => 2
[subtotal] => 12000
基本的に、CI_Cartのハッシュはproduct_idとオプションによってデフォルトで生成されたものと同じROWIDが生成されている可能性があります。同じものであれば、同じROWIDが作成され、製品をカートに追加することはできません。 –