import React from 'react';
const App = ({ children }) => {
let childrenData;
if (children) {
childrenData = (<div>{children}</div>);
return childrenData;
export default App;
5:2 error Expected indentation of 4 space character but found 0 indent
6:2 error Expected indentation of 4 space character but found 0 indent
7:3 error Expected indentation of 4 space character but found 0 indent
9:2 error Expected indentation of 4 space character but found 0 indent
"indent": [2, 4, {'SwitchCase': 1}],
"max-len": ["error", 200, 4],
"object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }],
"one-var": ["error", {
"var": "always", // Exactly one var declaration per function
"let": "always", // Exactly one let declaration per block
"const": "never" // Exactly one declarator per const declaration per block
そして、エラーはそのファイルに関するものですか? – azium
あなたはタブを偶然使っていますか? – azium
はい、ファイルのみ...タブはありません.. –