2017-09-07 13 views


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<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
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    <title>Bloc Frontend Formations Part 1</title> 

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    <img src="https://i.imgur.com/v6FOpf0.png" title="source: imgur.com" /> 
    <h1>Specialty Coffee Company</h1> 
     <a href="#">Home</a> 
     <a href="#">About SCC</a> 
     <a id="active-link" href="#">Rare Coffees</a> 
     <a href="#">Store</a> 
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     <h2>Rare Coffees</h2> 
     <h3>Kopi Luwak</h3> 
      <img src="https://www.indoneo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/luwak_coffee_for_sale.jpg" alt="Kopi Luwak Coffee"> 
      <figcaption><i>Kopi luwak for sale in Indonesia.</i></figcaption> 
     <blockquote>"It’s the world’s most expensive coffee, and it’s made from poop. Or rather, it’s made from coffee beans that are partially digested and then pooped out by the civet, a catlike creature. A cup of kopi luwak, as it’s known, can sell for as much as $80 in the United States."</blockquote> 
    <p><cite>The Disturbing Secret Behind the World’s Most Expensive Coffee</cite> by Rachael Bale. <a href="http://www.nationalgeographic.com/">National Geographic</a>. <time>April 29, 2016</time></p> 

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     <a href="#">Jobs</a> 
     <a href="#">FAQ</a> 
    <nav id="bottom-row"> 
     <a href="#">Sustainability</a> 
     <a href="#">Contact</a> 
    <p>Speciality Coffee Company, Torokv&eacutesz &uacutet 95-97, Budapest</p> 






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<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta charset="utf-8"> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> 
    <title>Bloc Frontend Formations Part 1</title> 

    <div class="sticky-footer-wrapper"> 
    <img src="https://i.imgur.com/v6FOpf0.png" title="source: imgur.com" /> 
    <h1>Specialty Coffee Company</h1> 
     <a href="#">Home</a> 
     <a href="#">About SCC</a> 
     <a id="active-link" href="#">Rare Coffees</a> 
     <a href="#">Store</a> 
     <a href="#">Contact us</a> 

    <!-- Content Wrap --> 
    <div class="content-wrap"> 
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    <section class="content-container"> 
     <h2>Rare Coffees</h2> 
     <h3>Kopi Luwak</h3> 
      <img src="https://www.indoneo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/luwak_coffee_for_sale.jpg" alt="Kopi Luwak Coffee"> 
      <figcaption><i>Kopi luwak for sale in Indonesia.</i></figcaption> 
     <blockquote>"It’s the world’s most expensive coffee, and it’s made from poop. Or rather, it’s made from coffee beans that are partially digested and then pooped out by the civet, a catlike creature. A cup of kopi luwak, as it’s known, can sell for as much as $80 in the United States."</blockquote> 
    <p><cite>The Disturbing Secret Behind the World’s Most Expensive Coffee</cite> by Rachael Bale. <a href="http://www.nationalgeographic.com/">National Geographic</a>. <time>April 29, 2016</time></p> 

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    <nav id="top-row"> 
     <a href="#">Locations</a> 
     <a href="#">Press</a> 
     <a href="#">Blog</a> 
     <a href="#">Jobs</a> 
     <a href="#">FAQ</a> 
    <nav id="bottom-row"> 
     <a href="#">Sustainability</a> 
     <a href="#">Contact</a> 
    <p>Speciality Coffee Company, Torokv&eacutesz &uacutet 95-97, Budapest</p> 



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