私はタイトルが理解するのはかなり複雑であることを知っています。 基本的に私は約20000文字を言うことができるテキストを持っている。単語の配列を強調表示する文字列の文の最初の大文字から最後に一致する正規表現
$ wordsという名前のハイライト表示の配列があり、メインテキスト$ textを呼び出すことができます。 は、だから私のコードは次のようである:2つの単語が同じ文に属しているときに、このコードで
foreach($words as $word):
$regex = '/[^.!?\n]*\b'.preg_quote($word,"/").'\b[^.!?\n]*/i';
preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches);
count($matches[0]) > 3 ? $search_q= 3 : $search_q=count($matches[0]);
for ($i=0; $i < $search_q; $i++):
echo preg_replace('/\b('.preg_quote($word,"/").')\b/i','<span class="highlighted">$1</span>',$matches[0][$i]).'[..] ';
$text="A new holiday shopping tradition: Smartphones and social networks
Many consumers will take out their phones before their wallets this holiday season with even more visiting social media sites before tackling their gift lists.
More than one-quarter (27 percent) of smartphone owners plan to use their devices for holiday shopping to search for store locations (67 percent), compare prices (59 percent) and check product availability (46 percent). Additionally, 44 percent say they plan to use social media to seek discounts, read reviews and check family and friends’ gift lists.
“Consumers are using online and mobile platforms to make the most of their holiday budgets, and the survey indicates that they will do more than just compare prices,” said Paul. “Retailers that use mobile and online channels to show product availability, locations and pricing but add customized promotions and gift ideas may encourage shoppers to come in the door for a specific gift and take additional items to the register.”";
A new holiday shopping tradition: Smartphones and **social** networks[..]
Many consumers will take out their phones before their wallets this holiday season with even more visiting **social** media sites before tackling their gift lists[..]
Additionally, 44 percent say they plan to use **social** media to seek discounts, read reviews and check family and friends’ gift lists[..]
Many consumers will take out their phones before their wallets this holiday season with even more visiting social **media** sites before tackling their gift lists[..]
Additionally, 44 percent say they plan to use social **media** to seek discounts, read reviews and check family and friends’ gift lists[..]
A new holiday shopping tradition: Smartphones and **social** networks[..]
Many consumers will take out their phones before their wallets this holiday season with even more visiting **social** **media** sites before tackling their gift lists[..]
Additionally, 44 percent say they plan to use **social** **media** to seek discounts, read reviews and check family and friends’ gift lists[..]
私はあなたのコードを試しましたが、私はちょうど完全な文ではなく、言葉を得ています。私は – chifliiiii