var method = AccessRegisterAction.prototype;
function AccessRegisterAction(parameters) {
this._bcrypt = require('bcrypt-nodejs');
this._cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');
this._async = require('async');
this._uname = parameters.uname;
this._email = parameters.email;
this._passwd = parameters.passwd;
//Connect to the cluster
this._client = new this._cassandra.Client({contactPoints: [''], keyspace: 'testdb'});
* This method "createUser" is used to create new users
* First it will check for user's email is in database or not.
* If email is registered we will process accordingly,
* else we will process accordingly.
* */
method.createUser = function() {
var selectUserFromDBQuery = "SELECT uid from testdb.users WHERE email = '?' ALLOW FILTERING";
this._client.execute(selectUserFromDBQuery, this._email, function (err, result) {
//if there is not any error while fetching data
if (!err) {
//if there is result, it means we have email already registered
if (result.rows.length > 0) {
//so now we need to show user is already registered error
//to the user
} else {
//here we are checking user's username because
//we have not found user's email in database and we
//are good to go to register user
else {
* This method will check for username in database.
* If there is username registered in database than we will
* show error that username is taken otherwise
* we will process to register user.
* */
method.userNameCheck = function() {
var checkUserNameQuery = "SELECT uid from testdb.users WHERE uname = '?' ALLOW FILTERING";
this._client.execute(checkUserNameQuery, this._uname, function (err, result) {
//if there is not any error while fetching data
if (!err) {
//if there is result, it means we have email already registered
if (result.rows.length > 0) {
//so username is taken and we need to tell user to
//use different username
} else {
//here we are registering user and adding information into database
else {
* This method will create new user into database
* Simple as that
* */
method.newUserCreate = function() {
* This function will throw an error which was occurred during the account creation process
* */
method.errorWhileCreatingAccount = function (errorCode) {
var _error = {error: "", msg: ""};
switch (errorCode) {
case 1:
_error.error = true;
_error.msg = "There was error while checking your information. Please try again.";
case 2:
_error.error = true;
_error.msg = "You have already created account with this email. " +
"Please use forgot password link if you don't remember your login details.";
case 3:
_error.error = true;
_error.msg = "Username that you chose is already taken. Please try different username.";
_error.error = true;
_error.msg = "There was error an error. Please try again.";
// export the class
module.exports = AccessRegisterAction;
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: this.userNameCheck is not a function
at /Users/user/Desktop/Projects/nodejs/testproject/application/classes/UserAccessAction/AccessRegisterAction.js:55:22
at next (/Users/user/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/utils.js:616:14)
at readCallback (/Users/user/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/request-handler.js:202:5)
at Connection.invokeCallback (/Users/user/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/connection.js:584:5)
at Connection.handleResult (/Users/user/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/connection.js:522:8)
at emitThree (events.js:116:13)
at ResultEmitter.emit (events.js:194:7)
at ResultEmitter.each (/Users/user/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/streams.js:482:17)
at ResultEmitter._write (/Users/user/node_modules/cassandra-driver/lib/streams.js:466:10)
at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:307:12)
var param = {uname: "testname", email: "[email protected]", passwd: "test123"};
var AccessRegisterAction = require('../application/classes/UserAccessAction/AccessRegisterAction');
var register = new AccessRegisterAction(param);
あるので、誰も私を伝えることができます私の間違いはどこですか? oopとnodejをどうやって使うことができますか?あなたは(たとえば、最初に新しいAccessRegisterActionをオブジェクトを使用する必要が ノードに簡単に十分なプロトタイプを使用することができるはず
'this.userNameCheck();を呼び出すと、間違った' this'が使用されます。あなたは別の関数でそれを呼び出しているので、コンテキストがあなたのクラスを指していません。 – vlaz
関数を呼び出すために 'this'を使わないとどうすれば使えますか? –