2017-12-06 22 views


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ラベルred:、テキストボックス、および -/+ボタンすべてのcol 1(gridy = 1;)です。

グラフィックをrow 0 col 0(gridwidth = 4)に追加したとき、0より小さいので、これらの要素を上回ると予想されました。悲しいことに、私が得たものではなく、その理由を知りません。


enter image description here




package colorSamplerApp; 

import java.awt.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 

public class WindowApplication extends JFrame { 
    final static boolean shouldFill = true; 
    final static boolean shouldWeightX = true; 
    final static boolean RIGHT_TO_LEFT = false; 

    protected static JLabel redLabel; 
    protected static JLabel greenLabel; 
    protected static JLabel blueLabel; 

    protected static JTextField redTextField; 
    protected static JTextField greenTextField; 
    protected static JTextField blueTextField; 

    protected static JButton redButtonM; 
    protected static JButton greenButtonM; 
    protected static JButton blueButtonM; 

    protected static JButton redButtonP; 
    protected static JButton greenButtonP; 
    protected static JButton blueButtonP; 

    protected static JButton saveButton; 
    protected static JButton resetButton; 

    protected static JList listColors; 

    protected static DrawingTester drawTest; 

    public static void addComponentsToPane(Container pane) 
     if (RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { 

     pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 
     GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     if (shouldFill) { 
     //natural height, maximum width 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 

     * Setup the RGB Labels 
     * R <0,1> 
     * G <0,2> 
     * B <0,3> 

     c.insets = new Insets(0,10,0,5); 

     c.gridwidth = 1; 
     redLabel = new JLabel("Red:"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redLabel, c); 

     greenLabel = new JLabel("Green:"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenLabel, c); 

     blueLabel = new JLabel("Blue:"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueLabel, c); 

     * Setup the RGB Text Fields 
     * R<1,1> 
     * G<1,2> 
     * B<1,3> 

     c.insets.set(0, 0, 0, 5); 

     redTextField = new JTextField("255"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 1; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redTextField, c); 

     greenTextField = new JTextField("0"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 1; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenTextField, c); 

     blueTextField = new JTextField("0"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 1; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueTextField, c); 

     * Setup the RGB (-) Button Fields 
     * R<2,1> 
     * G<2,2> 
     * B<2,3> 


     redButtonM = new JButton("-"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 2; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redButtonM, c); 

     greenButtonM = new JButton("-"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 2; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenButtonM, c); 

     blueButtonM = new JButton("-"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 2; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueButtonM, c); 

     * Setup the RGB (+) Button Fields 
     * R<3,1> 
     * G<3,2> 
     * B<3,3> 


     redButtonP = new JButton("+"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 3; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redButtonP, c); 

     greenButtonP = new JButton("+"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 3; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenButtonP, c); 

     blueButtonP = new JButton("+"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 3; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueButtonP, c); 

     * Setup the Save/Reset Buttons 
     * save <0,4> 
     * reset<1,4> 


     saveButton = new JButton("Save"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.ipady = 10;  //make this component tall 
     c.ipadx = 10; 
     //c.weightx = 0.0; 
     c.gridwidth = 2; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 4; 
     pane.add(saveButton, c); 


     resetButton = new JButton("Reset"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.ipady = 10;  
     c.ipadx = 10; 
     //c.weighty = 1.0; //request any extra vertical space 
     //c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END; //bottom of space 
     c.gridx = 2;  //aligned with button 2 
     c.gridwidth = 2; //2 columns wide 
     c.gridy = 4;  //third row 
     pane.add(resetButton, c); 

     * Setup the Color Selection List 
     * <4,0> 


     listColors = new JList(); 
      File reading shenanigans to fill up the list 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.ipady = 150;  
     c.ipadx = 100; 
     //c.weighty = 1.0; //request any extra vertical space 
     //c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END; //bottom of space 
     c.gridx = 4;  //aligned with button 2 
     c.gridheight = 5; //2 columns wide 
     c.gridy = 1;  //third row 
     pane.add(listColors, c); 

     * Setup the Graphics 
     * <0,0> 

     drawTest = new DrawingTester(); 
     c.gridx = 0;  //top leftw 
     c.gridy = 0;  //bottom 
     c.gridwidth = 0 ; 

    public static void main (String argv[]) 
     javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 
       createAndShowGUI("Color Sampler"); 

    public static void createAndShowGUI(String title) 
     // Create and setup the window 
     JFrame frame = new JFrame (title); 

     // Setup the content pane 

     // Display the window 




package colorSamplerApp; 

import java.awt.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 

import javax.swing.JComponent; 

public class DrawingTester extends JComponent { 

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ 
     g.fillRect(0,0, 170, 70); 

各JComponentのフィールドを作成する代わりに、代わりに配列を使用し、そのようなコンポーネントの作成に関してデザインパターン「ファクトリパターン」を調べることを強くおすすめします。 同じコードを3〜5回連続して入力しているときは、何をしているのかを再考してください。時々あなたはそれを避けることはできませんが、あなたがそれをもっと良くすることができる時間の99%です。 –








import java.awt.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 

public class WindowApplication extends JFrame { 
    final static boolean shouldFill = true; 
    final static boolean shouldWeightX = true; 
    final static boolean RIGHT_TO_LEFT = false; 

    protected static JLabel redLabel; 
    protected static JLabel greenLabel; 
    protected static JLabel blueLabel; 

    protected static JTextField redTextField; 
    protected static JTextField greenTextField; 
    protected static JTextField blueTextField; 

    protected static JButton redButtonM; 
    protected static JButton greenButtonM; 
    protected static JButton blueButtonM; 

    protected static JButton redButtonP; 
    protected static JButton greenButtonP; 
    protected static JButton blueButtonP; 

    protected static JButton saveButton; 
    protected static JButton resetButton; 

    protected static JList listColors; 

    protected static DrawingTester drawTest; 

    public static void addComponentsToPane(Container pane) 
     if (RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { 

     pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); 
     GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); 
     if (shouldFill) { 
     //natural height, maximum width 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 

     * Setup the RGB Labels 
     * R <0,1> 
     * G <0,2> 
     * B <0,3> 

//  c.insets = new Insets(0,10,0,5); 

     c.gridwidth = 1; 
     redLabel = new JLabel("Red:"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redLabel, c); 

     greenLabel = new JLabel("Green:"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenLabel, c); 

     blueLabel = new JLabel("Blue:"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueLabel, c); 

     * Setup the RGB Text Fields 
     * R<1,1> 
     * G<1,2> 
     * B<1,3> 

//  c.insets.set(0, 0, 0, 5); 

     redTextField = new JTextField("255"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 1; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redTextField, c); 

     greenTextField = new JTextField("0"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 1; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenTextField, c); 

     blueTextField = new JTextField("0"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 1; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueTextField, c); 

     * Setup the RGB (-) Button Fields 
     * R<2,1> 
     * G<2,2> 
     * B<2,3> 

//  c.insets.set(5,5,0,10); 

     redButtonM = new JButton("-"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 2; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redButtonM, c); 

     greenButtonM = new JButton("-"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 2; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenButtonM, c); 

     blueButtonM = new JButton("-"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 2; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueButtonM, c); 

     * Setup the RGB (+) Button Fields 
     * R<3,1> 
     * G<3,2> 
     * B<3,3> 

//  c.insets.set(5,0,0,10); 

     redButtonP = new JButton("+"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 3; 
     c.gridy = 1; 
     pane.add(redButtonP, c); 

     greenButtonP = new JButton("+"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 3; 
     c.gridy = 2; 
     pane.add(greenButtonP, c); 

     blueButtonP = new JButton("+"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.gridx = 3; 
     c.gridy = 3; 
     pane.add(blueButtonP, c); 

     * Setup the Save/Reset Buttons 
     * save <0,4> 
     * reset<1,4> 

     saveButton = new JButton("Save"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.ipady = 10;  //make this component tall 
     c.ipadx = 10; 
     //c.weightx = 0.0; 
     c.gridwidth = 2; 
     c.gridx = 0; 
     c.gridy = 4; 
     pane.add(saveButton, c); 

     resetButton = new JButton("Reset"); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; 
     c.ipady = 10;  
     c.ipadx = 10; 
     //c.weighty = 1.0; //request any extra vertical space 
     //c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.PAGE_END; //bottom of space 
     c.gridx = 2;  //aligned with button 2 
     c.gridwidth = 2; //2 columns wide 
     c.gridy = 4;  //third row 
     pane.add(resetButton, c); 

     * Setup the Color Selection List 
     * <4,0> 


     listColors = new JList(new Object[] {"Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3"}); 
      File reading shenanigans to fill up the list 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 
     c.gridy = 0;  
     c.gridx = 4;  
     c.gridheight = 5; 
     c.gridwidth = 1; 

     pane.add(listColors, c); 

     * Setup the Graphics 
     * <0,0> 

     drawTest = new DrawingTester(); 
     c.insets = new Insets(5,5,5,5); 
     c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; 
     c.gridx = 0;  //top leftw 
     c.gridy = 0;  //bottom 
     c.gridheight = 1; 
     c.gridwidth = 4; 

    public static void main (String argv[]) 
     javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 
       createAndShowGUI("Color Sampler"); 

    public static void createAndShowGUI(String title) 
     // Create and setup the window 
     JFrame frame = new JFrame (title); 

     // Setup the content pane 

     // Display the window 



class DrawingTester extends JComponent { 

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){ 
     g.fillRect(0,0, g.getClipBounds().width, g.getClipBounds().height); 


enter image description here

は、あなたのニーズに合わせてそれを変更することを続行することができるはず、 insetsをすべて戻して、コンポーネントのheightwidthを変更してください。 GridBagConstraintsを再利用していることに注意してください。注意する必要があります。確信が持てない場合は、新しいインスタンスをインスタンス化してコードをテストしてください。
