2016-12-04 6 views


import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Retirement { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

    int[][] ages = new int[8][2]; 
    System.out.println("Enter the employees current ages (between 19 and 70), and enter their desired retirement ages (62, 66, or 70)."); 
    for (int i = 0; i < ages.length; i++) { 
     ages[i][0] = input.nextInt(); 
     ages[i][1] = input.nextInt(); 
    int employee1 = (ages[0][1] - ages[0][0]); 
    int employee2 = (ages[1][1] - ages[1][0]); 
    int employee3 = (ages[2][1] - ages[2][0]); 
    int employee4 = (ages[3][1] - ages[3][0]); 
    int employee5 = (ages[4][1] - ages[4][0]); 
    int employee6 = (ages[5][1] - ages[5][0]); 
    int employee7 = (ages[6][1] - ages[6][0]); 
    int employee8 = (ages[7][1] - ages[7][0]); 

    System.out.println("The current age and desired retirement age for Employee #1 is: " + (ages[0][0]) + " and " + (ages[0][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #1 has to work " + (employee1) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #2 is: " + (ages[1][0]) + " and " + (ages[1][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #2 has to work " + (employee2) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #3 is: " + (ages[2][0]) + " and " + (ages[2][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #3 has to work " + (employee3) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #4 is: " + (ages[3][0]) + " and " + (ages[3][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #4 has to work " + (employee4) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #5 is: " + (ages[4][0]) + " and " + (ages[4][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #5 has to work " + (employee5) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #6 is: " + (ages[5][0]) + " and " + (ages[5][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #6 has to work " + (employee6) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #7 is: " + (ages[6][0]) + " and " + (ages[6][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #7 has to work " + (employee7) + " years before they can retire."); 

    System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #8 is: " + (ages[7][0]) + " and " + (ages[7][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #8 has to work " + (employee8) + " years before they can retire."); 




javascriptではなく、javaのように見えます。 –


正直言って、私は彼らの違いを知らなかった。私は日食を使用しています、それはおそらくJavaとjavascript、申し訳ありません。 – senpaimaster


これは奇妙なことです:あなたは年齢のためにtwodim配列を使っても問題ありません...しかし、従業員のために配列を使用することはありません。代わりにコードを8回書くのに問題はありませんか? – GhostCat





ええと...私は仕事中で休憩中です。仕事をした後でこれを試してコードを投稿します私はそれを使用して理解することができるかどうかを見てみましょう。私は、各パスをインクリメントするための数字をどうやって得るのか少し混乱させます。多分それらを変数に代入し、それぞれのパスをインクリメントしますか? age [t] [0]のようにして、tをint = 0に宣言し、それをインクリメントします。それは働くだろうか? – senpaimaster



Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

int[][] ages = new int[8][2]; 
int[] employees = new int[8]; 
System.out.println("Enter the employees current ages (between 19 and 70), and enter their desired retirement ages (62, 66, or 70)."); 
for (int i = 0; i < ages.length; i++) { 
    ages[i][0] = input.nextInt(); 
    ages[i][1] = input.nextInt(); 
for (int i = 0 ; i < employees.length ; i++) { 
    employees[i] = (ages[i][1] - ages[i][0]); 

for (int i = 0 ; i < employees.length ; i++) { 
    System.out.println("The current age and desired retirement age for Employee #" + (i + 1) + " is: " + (ages[i][0]) + " and " + (ages[i][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #" + (i + 1) + " has to work " + (employees[i]) + " years before they can retire."); 




int employee1* = (ages[0*][1] - ages[0*][0]); 
int employee2* = (ages[1*][1] - ages[1*][0]); 
int employee3* = (ages[2*][1] - ages[2*][0]); 
int employee4* = (ages[3*][1] - ages[3*][0]); 
int employee5* = (ages[4*][1] - ages[4*][0]); 
int employee6* = (ages[5*][1] - ages[5*][0]); 
int employee7* = (ages[6*][1] - ages[6*][0]); 
int employee8* = (ages[7*][1] - ages[7*][0]); 


for (int i = 0 ; i < employees.length ; i++) { 
    employees[i] = (ages[i][1] - ages[i][0]); 


System.out.println("The current age and desired retirement age for Employee #1 is: " + (ages[0][0]) + " and " + (ages[0][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #1 has to work " + (employee1) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #2 is: " + (ages[1][0]) + " and " + (ages[1][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #2 has to work " + (employee2) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #3 is: " + (ages[2][0]) + " and " + (ages[2][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #3 has to work " + (employee3) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #4 is: " + (ages[3][0]) + " and " + (ages[3][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #4 has to work " + (employee4) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #5 is: " + (ages[4][0]) + " and " + (ages[4][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #5 has to work " + (employee5) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #6 is: " + (ages[5][0]) + " and " + (ages[5][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #6 has to work " + (employee6) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #7 is: " + (ages[6][0]) + " and " + (ages[6][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #7 has to work " + (employee7) + " years before they can retire."); 

System.out.println("\nThe current age and desired retirement age for Employee #8 is: " + (ages[7][0]) + " and " + (ages[7][1]) + "."); 
System.out.println("Employee #8 has to work " + (employee8) + " years before they can retire."); 


for (int i = 0 ; i < employees.length ; i++) { 
    System.out.println("The current age and desired retirement age for Employee #" + (i + 1) + " is: " + (ages[i][0]) + " and " + (ages[i][1]) + "."); 
    System.out.println("Employee #" + (i + 1) + " has to work " + (employees[i]) + " years before they can retire."); 

しかし、従業員番号が代わりに0から7まで増加しない、それは1から、それは"Employee #" + (i + 1)代わりの"Employee #" + iである理由だ8にあります。


さて、私はこれを試しました。従業員を変数に解決できないというエラーが表示されます。私はこれを修正するように見えることはありません。私は手で変数を宣言しようとしましたが、何も動かないようです。任意のヒント? – senpaimaster


正しいコードを使用しましたか?最初のコードスニペットが必要なものです。 @senpaimaster – Sweeper


@senpaimaster私はあなたがこの行を逃したと思う: 'int [] employees = new int [8];' – Sweeper
