2016-10-30 3 views

これは愚かな(単純な)質問だと思うが、回答を見つけることができず、XML用にLINQを効果的に使用することができます私のLINQの経験の))しかし、私は実際の値を一般的なリストまたはリスト(説明に含まれている)から文字列として取得しようとすると、私は "{System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator}" "スクランブル-eggs.jpg"foreach文でLINQを使用して汎用リスト<T>から値を取得する

private static List<Recipe> currentRecipeList = new List<Recipe>(); 
public static List<Recipe> CurrentRecipeList { get { return currentRecipeList; } set { currentRecipeList = value; } }//Populated from an XML document 

public static string GetSpecificRecipeValue(string recipeName, int index, int ingredientIteration = -1, int ingredientValue = -1)//From CurrentRecipeList get value(Index) where recipeName is equal to CurrentRecipeList.RecipeName. 
     IEnumerable<string> recipeElement = null; 
     IEnumerable<string> ingredientElement = null; 
     if (index == 0) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeType); } 
     else if (index == 1) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeName); } 
     else if (index == 2) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeSource); } 
     else if (index == 3) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeID); } 
     else if (index == 4) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipePicture); } 
     else if (index == 5) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeDescription); } 
     else if (index == 6) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeMethod); } 
     else if (index == 7) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeCost); } 
     else if (index == 8) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeDifficulty); } 
     else if (index == 9) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeServings); } 
     else if (index == 10) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipePreparationTime); } 
     else if (index == 11) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeCookingTime); } 
     else if (index == 12) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeGlobalRating); } 
     else if (index == 13) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeUserRating); } 
     else if (index == 14) 
     { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where el.RecipeName == recipeName select el.RecipeTags); } 
     else if (index == 15 && ingredientValue == 0) 
     { ingredientElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where el.RecipeName == recipeName select el.RecipeIngredients[ingredientIteration].Item); } 
     else if (index == 15 && ingredientValue == 1) 
     { ingredientElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeIngredients[ingredientIteration].Quantity); } 
     else if (index == 15 && ingredientValue == 2) 
     { ingredientElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeIngredients[ingredientIteration].Unit.ToString()); } 
     else if (index == 15 && ingredientValue == 3) 
     { ingredientElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeIngredients[ingredientIteration].State); } 
     else if (index == 15 && ingredientValue == 4) 
     { ingredientElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeIngredients[ingredientIteration].Type); } 

     { recipeElement = null; ingredientElement = null; } 

     if (recipeElement != null) 
      return recipeElement.ToString(); 
     else if (ingredientElement != null) 
      return ingredientElement.ToString(); 
      return null; 


public class Recipe 

    public string RecipeType { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeName { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeSource { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeID { get; set; } 
    public string RecipePicture { get; set; }//File name of Picture to read from pictures folder 
    public string RecipeDescription { get; set; }//ShortDescription 
    public string RecipeMethod { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeCost { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeDifficulty { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeServings { get; set; } 
    public string RecipePreparationTime { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeCookingTime { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeGlobalRating { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeUserRating { get; set; } 
    public string RecipeTags { get; set; } 
    public List<Ingredient> RecipeIngredients { get; set; } 



public class Ingredient 
    public string Item { get; set; } 
    public string Quantity { get; set; } 
    public string Unit { get; set; } 
    public string State { get; set; } 
    public string Type { get; set; } 

あなたはどんなより多くの情報が必要な場合は、これが私の最初の記事で、私は私の脳をラッキング、Googleとstackoverflowのしてきたが、答えは私を見逃さ私に知らせてください。 RecipeNameの特定の情報を引数として取得する他の方法や、この情報を自分で知ることができるソースは非常に高く評価されます。

ここで、BJ Myersのおかげで正しい解決策が得られました。

private static List<Recipe> currentRecipeList = new List<Recipe>(); 
public static List<Recipe> CurrentRecipeList { get { return currentRecipeList; } set { currentRecipeList = value; } }//Populated from an XML document. 
public static string GetSpecificRecipeValue(string recipeName, int index, int ingredientIteration = -1, int ingredientValue = -1)//From CurrentRecipeList get value(Index) where recipeName is equal to CurrentRecipeList.RecipeName. 
    IEnumerable<string> recipeElement = null; 
    IEnumerable<string> ingredientElement = null; 
    if (index == 0) 
    { recipeElement = (from el in currentRecipeList where recipeName == el.RecipeName select el.RecipeType); } 
    else if (index == 1) 

if (recipeElement != null) 
      string result = recipeElement.FirstOrDefault<string>().ToString(); 
      return result; 
     else if (ingredientElement != null) 
      return ingredientElement.FirstOrDefault<string>().ToString(); 
      return null; 

'where'節を使うと、要素の* collection *を返します。 (実際には 'WhereSelectListIterator'のような' IEnumerable'を実装したクラスを返します。一つの項目が必要なら '.First'または' .FirstOrDefault'を使う必要があります。 –


華麗な、ありがとう、 –


補足として、C#は文字列だけでなく、組み込みのデータ型も異なっています。 –







このクラスを完成し、残りのコードの動作を知っていただきありがとうございます。私はあなたのソリューションを使用するつもりですが、私はそれがどのように動作するのかまだ分かりません。 –


@SirajMansour - いいえ、そうではありません。 'Func 'のどれかが実行された場合にのみ失敗します。初期化の間、それらはそうではありません。 – Enigmativity
