2012-01-13 19 views

私は3つのドロップダウンを持っています。最初に応じて、2番目と3番目に異なるオプションを表示する必要があります。 オプションは知っているので、AJAXを使用しないようにすることができます。利用可能なすべてのオプションをドロップダウンに入れ、オプションをターゲットにするためのクラス名を付けました。以下の例:動的ドロップダウンを作成する方法Ajaxを使用しないjQuery


<select name="language" id="language"> 
<option value="0" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select ...</option> 
<option value="DA">Danish - DA</option> 
<option value="EN">English - EN</option> 


<select name="status" id="status"> 
<option value="0" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select ...</option> 
<option class="queryall queryda">Answered</option> 
<option class="queryall queryda queryen">Closed</option> 
<option class="queryall queryen">Escalated</option> 


$("#language").change(function() { 
$("#status .queryall").hide(); 
$("#status .queryac").show(); 
alert("New Status options are available."); 

ここでの質問は、どのように言語をデンマーク語に変更するときに "queryda"を渡すか?



  • 「test.com」
  • だけの組織のために、このフォルダの下にさらに2つを作成して言う、あなたつもりテストそのフォルダを作成します:「CSS」と「JS」
  • は「jqueryのと呼ばれるフォルダを作成します。 「内部 "のjsのmain.css "

  • CSS "というフォルダファイル" "あなたに作成

  • を" index.htmlを "というフォルダのファイル" test.com"

  • あなたに作成します"あなたの "js"フォルダに "main.js"と "data.js"という2つのファイルを作成します。

  • jQuery(1.7.1)のバージョンをダウンロードしてWebサイトwww.jquery.comからダウンロードし、 "test"に入れます。 「jquery-1.7.1.min.js」の名前をつけたり、「index.html」のリンクを修正してください。


これはあなたの "index.htmlを" コードです:これはあなたの "あるmain.css" のコードである

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css" /> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/main.js"></script> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
    <title>Dynamic Selects</title> 
    <div id="data"></div><!-- we will load the data JSON string here //--> 
    <div id="wrapper"> 
     <div id="boxes"> 
      <select name="language" id="language" class="select"> 
       <option value="0" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select Language</option> 

      <select name="status" id="status" class="select"> 
       <option value="0" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select Status</option> 

      <select name="file" id="file" class="select"> 
       <option value="0" disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Select Files</option> 

body, html { 
padding: 0; 
margin: 0; 
width: 100%; 
height: 100%; 
background-color: #ddd; 

#wrapper { 
width: 100%; 
height: 100%; 

#boxes { 
width: 500px; 
margin: 0 auto; 
padding: 100px 0px; 

.select { 
width: 160px; 
height: 20px; 
background-color: #ddd; 

#data { 
display: none; 

.highlighted { 
border: 1px solid red; 

これはあなたの "data.js" でありますコード:

var dataObject = { 
"EN": { 
    "title": "English EN", 
      "title": "Answered" 
        {"q1":"Question 1"} 
        ,{"q2":"Question 2"} 
        ,{"q3":"Question 3"} 
        ,{"q4":"Question 4"} 
      "title": "Closed" 
        {"q5":"Question 5"} 
        ,{"q6":"Question 6"} 
        ,{"q7":"Question 7"} 
        ,{"q8":"Question 8"} 
      "title": "Escalated" 
        {"q9":"Question 9"} 
        ,{"q10":"Question 10"} 
        ,{"q11":"Question 11"} 
        ,{"q12":"Question 12"} 

"DA": { 
    "title": "Danish DA", 
      "title": "Answered DA" 
        {"qda1":"Question DA 1"} 
        ,{"qda2":"Question DA 2"} 
        ,{"qda3":"Question DA 3"} 
        ,{"qda4":"Question DA 4"} 
      "title": "Closed DA" 
        {"qda5":"Question DA 5"} 
        ,{"qda6":"Question DA 6"} 
        ,{"qda7":"Question DA 7"} 
        ,{"qda8":"Question DA 8"} 
      "title": "Escalated DA" 
        {"qda9":"Question DA 9"} 
        ,{"qda10":"Question DA 10"} 
        ,{"qda11":"Question DA 11"} 
        ,{"qda12":"Question DA 12"} 


var url = 'js/data.js'; // URL to data file. could be full or relative 

// Select box names (ids) 
var langSelect = 'language'; 
var statusSelect = 'status'; 
var questionSelect = 'file'; 

// Load the data object externally 

// on document load, do whatever you need 
$(document).ready(function() { 


    // fire when any Ajax requests complete (we get our data from server) 

// data manager object. using: dMgr.functionName(); <-- will populate the linked select  box with chosen data. 
var dMgr = { 
// function to populate language select with data 
populateLang: function() { 
    // if dataObject from server is empty, return nothing 
    if (!typeof(dataObject) == 'object') return false; 

    // create select options string with its current content <only first one> (the "select language.." option) 
    var langs = '<option value="">'+$('#'+langSelect+' option:first').html()+'</option>'; 

    // loop dataObject and get it's keys as language values and title as option title 
    for(i in dataObject) { 
     // combine it to existing string 
     langs += '<option value="'+i+'">'+dataObject[i].title+'</option>'; 

    // populate our select with newly received data and by using chain, bind "onChange" event to it: 
    $('#'+langSelect).html(langs).change(function() { 
     // if selected the empty row, die. 
     if (!$(this).val()) return false; 

     // remove high light CSS class from the active select box 

     var val = $(this).val(); // value we got from selected option, f.e: "EN" (English EN) 

     // populate status select 
     dMgr.populateStatus(val); // passing the selected language 

     // if we change language, make sure we empty the last select - questions 
     // we pass only third argument as true which means - yes, erase the data 

    }).addClass('highlighted'); // high light the active select box with CSS class 
populateStatus: function(lang) { 
    // if no language passed, die. 
    if (!lang) return false; 

    // if there's no status for select language - die. 
    if (dataObject[lang].status.length <= 0) return false; 

    // just a shortcut to the object statuses 
    var sObj = dataObject[lang].status; 

    // create select options string with its current content <only first one> (the "select status.." option) 
    var statuses = '<option value="">'+$('#'+statusSelect+' option:first').html()+'</option>'; 

    // loop through all statuses and get their titles and values for new options 
    for(i in sObj) { 
     statuses += '<option value="'+i+'">'+sObj[i].title+'</option>'; 

    // populate our select with newly received data and by using chain, bind "onChange" event to it: 
    $('#'+statusSelect).html(statuses).change(function() { 
     // if selected the empty row, die. 
     if (!$(this).val()) return false; 

     // remove high light CSS class from the active select box 

     var val = $(this).val(); // value we got from selected option, f.e: "1" (Answered) 

     // populate status select 
     dMgr.populateQuestions(lang, val); // passing the selected language   

    }).addClass('highlighted'); // high light the active select box with CSS class 
populateQuestions: function(lang, status, eraseData) { 
    if ((!lang || !status) && !eraseData) return false; 

    // We do this actions before checking everything else, as there might be eraseData option 
    // create select options string with its current content <only first one> (the "select question.." option) 
    var questions = '<option value="">'+$('#'+questionSelect+' option:first').html()+'</option>'; 

    // If we just erasing the data, then put what we already harvested back and stop. 
    if (eraseData) { 
     return true; 

    // if there's no status for select language - die. 
    if (dataObject[lang].status[status].questions.length <= 0) return false; 

    // shortcut to the questions 
    var sObj = dataObject[lang].status[status].questions; 

    // loop through all statuses and get their titles and values for new options 
    for(i in sObj) { 
     for(key in sObj[i]) { 
      questions += '<option value="'+key+'">'+sObj[i][key]+'</option>'; 

    // populate our select with newly received data and by using chain, bind "onChange" event to it: 
    $('#'+questionSelect).html(questions).change(function() { 
     // if selected the empty row, die. 
     if (!$(this).val()) return false; 

     // remove high light CSS class from the active select box 

     var val = $(this).val(); // value we got from selected option, f.e: "1" (Answered) 

     * Do whatever you want here. "val" in this scope is the latest value selected (question) 
     * Either build more selects, or do AJAX call, or change page context. 
     alert('You\'ve reached the last select option and selected it, what should I do now?'); 

    }).addClass('highlighted'); // high light the active select box with CSS class 




単純な "クライアント"依存ドロップダウンリスト(依存ドロップダウンリストの表示と翻訳を含む)。必要なajax呼び出しはありません。次の例では、マスターID「2」のみが詳細に示されています。 id "2"と同じ方法で他のマスターIDを追加します。あなたのMVCのビュー内

// Create the "master" dropdownlist 
    <div class="form-group"> 
     @Html.LabelForRequired(model => model.MasterDropdownId, @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" }) 
     <div class="col-md-10"> 
      @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.MasterDropdownId, new SelectList(
       new List<Object>{ 
        new { value = "1", text = @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown_1}, 
        new { value = "2", text = @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown_2}, 
        new { value = "3", text = @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown_3}, 
        new { value = "4", text = @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown_4}, 
        new { value = "5", text = @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown_5}, 
        new { value = "6", text = @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.MasterDropdown_6} 
       ""), WIPRO.Resources.DefaultLanguage.Select_Value, new { @class = "form-control" }) 
      @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.MasterDropdownId, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) 

    // Save the initial “slave” id via a hidden field to be used after having populated the "slave" dropdownlist for the first time 
    @Html.Hidden("Initial_SlaveId", Model.SlaveDropdownId); 

    // Load all " slave ids" dropdownlist translated items 
    @Html.Hidden("Empty_text", @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.Select_Value); 

    @Html.Hidden("Text_200", @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.SlaveDropdown_200); 
    @Html.Hidden("Text_201", @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.SlaveDropdown_201); 

    // Create the “slave" dropdownlist 
    <div id ="Div_SlaveDropdownId" class="form-group"> 
     @Html.LabelForRequired(model => model.SlaveDropdownId, @MyAPP.Resources.DefaultLanguage.SlaveDropdown, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" }) 
     <div class="col-md-10"> 
      @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SlaveDropdownId, new SelectList(
       new List<Object>{ }, "value", "text", ""), new { @class = "form-control" }) 
      @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SlaveDropdownId, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) 


     // Populate " slave " dropdownlist based on the chosen type 
     function DisplaySpecificListItems(chosen_type) { 

      // Remove all items in the " slave " dropdownlist 
      $("#CurrentAccountLine_SlaveDropdownId > option").remove(); 

      // Add the default "empty" text item 
      var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.text = $('#Empty_text').val(); opt.value = ""; document.getElementById("CurrentAccountLine_SlaveDropdownId").options.add(opt); 

      // Add the specific list items and show the " slave " dropdownlist 
      switch(chosen_type) { 

       case "2": 

        var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.text = $('#Text_200').val(); opt.value = "200"; document.getElementById("CurrentAccountLine_SlaveDropdownId").options.add(opt); 
        var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.text = $('#Text_201').val(); opt.value = "201"; document.getElementById("CurrentAccountLine_SlaveDropdownId").options.add(opt); 







     // Initialize chosen_type with the initial “master” id 
     var chosen_type = $("#CurrentAccountLine_MasterDropdownId").val(); 

     // Initial loading of the "slave" dropdownlist items 

     // Set "slave" dropdownlist selected items 

     // On a "master" dropdownlist change, repopulate the "slave" dropdownlist 
     $('#CurrentAccountLine_MasterDropdownId').change(function() { 

      // Update "chosen_type" 
      chosen_type = $("#CurrentAccountLine_MasterDropdownId").val(); 

      // Repopulate 



