InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileData);
BufferedImage buf = ImageIO.read(in);
int maxWidth = 775;
int maxHeight = 375;
int newWidth;
int newHeight;
float height = buf.getHeight();
float width = buf.getWidth();
float ratio = (float) 0.0;
if(height > maxHeight || width > maxWidth)
if (height > width)
ratio = (height/width);
else if(width > height)
ratio = (width/height);
while(height > maxHeight || width > maxWidth)
if (height > width)
height -= ratio;
width -= 1;
else if(width > height)
width -= ratio;
height -= 1;
newWidth = (int) width;
newHeight = (int) height;
// Call method to scale image to appropriate size
byte[] newByte = scale(fileData, newWidth, newHeight);
が重複する可能性のようになります。http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273946/how-do-i-アスペクト比を使用してイメージを使用してサイズ変更しますか?rq = 1 –