2017-03-02 12 views


    background-color: red; 

    background-color: green; 
    height: 100px; 
    width: 300px; 
    overflow-y: scroll; 
    overflow-x: scroll; 
<div class="parentDiv"> 
    scrolling in this area should scroll the inner overflow div <br> 
    scrolling in this area should scroll the inner overflow div <br> 
    scrolling in this area should scroll the inner overflow div <br> 
    scrolling in this area should scroll the inner overflow div <br> 
    scrolling in this area should scroll the inner overflow div <br> 
    scrolling in this area should scroll the inner overflow div <br> 
    <div class="childDiv"> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 

私はここで同様のシナリオを設定します。 http://jsfiddle.net/y1byh25d/1/





if(e.originalEvent.deltaY < 0 && scroll > 0) { 
    scroll -= 10; 
    else if(e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 && scroll < maxScroll){ 
     scroll += 10; 


$(".parentDiv").on("wheel", function(e){}); 

が検出されています。また、子divがそれ以上スクロールできるかどうかをチェックします。 これらの条件が満たされた場合、scrollTop()に割り当てられる値が変更されます。



    overflow-y: hidden; 


すべてです。ここでは完全なコードを使用していますが、これはjQueryを使用しているので、スクリプトを使用できるようにする必要があることに注意してください。 RMOによって回答に基づいて


<div class="parentDiv"> 
    <p>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br>nothing to see here <br> 

    <div class="childDiv"> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 
     this should scroll only form outside and inside<br> 


    background-color: red; 

    background-color: green; 
    height: 100px; 
    width: 100%; 
    overflow-y: hidden; 


var scroll = 0; 
var maxScroll = $(".childDiv").prop('scrollHeight')-$(".childDiv").height(); 
$(".parentDiv").on("wheel", function(e){ 
    if(e.originalEvent.deltaY < 0 && scroll > 0) { 
    scroll -= 10; 
    else if(e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 && scroll < maxScroll){ 
     scroll += 10; 

これはかなりスマートです!私はオーバーフロー内でイベントを伝播させ、親でキャンセルする方法を見つけようとしていましたが、単純に親でキャプチャし、jsを使って子をスクロールすることは考慮しませんでした。ありがとうございました! – Costin



//enable event listener only when needed. 
    $scope.$watch('$root.fpo.scrollLocked', function() { 
     if(true === $scope.$root.fpo.scrollLocked) 
      $parent.on("wheel", function(e) { 
       maxScroll = $container.prop('scrollHeight')-$container.height(); 

       if(e.originalEvent.deltaY < 0 && scroll > 0) { 
        scroll += e.originalEvent.deltaY; 

       else if(e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0 && scroll < maxScroll){ 
        scroll += e.originalEvent.deltaY; 