ベークしかし... CakePHPのそれはエラーの下に私を与えている2.0.4私は「ケーキ焼く」コマンド と安定したCakePHPの2.0.4で焼くしようとしたエラー
Unable to set console path for app/Console.
CakePHP is on your `include_path`. CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH will be set, but commented out.
Unable to set CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH, you should change it in /home/wmetools/public_html/security/app/Console/myapp/webroot/index.php
Project baked but with some issues..
Your database configuration was not found. Take a moment to create one.
コマンドを実行していますか?アプリケーションディレクトリ内の「Console/cake bake」ですか? – Anthony