2017-08-31 4 views


$(document).ready(function() { 
    var native_width = 0; 
    var native_height = 0; 
    $(".large").css("background", "url('" + $(".small").attr("src") + "') no-repeat"); 

    $(".magnify").mousemove(function(e) { 
    if (!native_width && !native_height) { 
     var image_object = new Image(); 
     image_object.src = $(".small").attr("src"); 
     native_width = image_object.width; 
     native_height = image_object.height; 
    } else { 
     var magnify_offset = $(this).offset(); 
     var mx = e.pageX - magnify_offset.left; 
     var my = e.pageY - magnify_offset.top; 

     if (mx < $(this).width() && my < $(this).height() && mx > 0 && my > 0) { 
     } else { 
     if ($(".large").is(":visible")) { 

     var rx = Math.round(mx/$(".small").width() * native_width - $(".large").width()/2) * -1; 
     var ry = Math.round(my/$(".small").height() * native_height - $(".large").height()/2) * -1; 
     var bgp = rx + "px " + ry + "px"; 

     var px = mx - $(".large").width()/2; 
     var py = my - $(".large").height()/2; 

      left: px, 
      top: py, 
      backgroundPosition: bgp 
* { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 

.magnify { 
    width: 200px; 
    margin: 50px auto; 
    position: relative; 
    cursor: none 

.large { 
    width: 175px; 
    height: 175px; 
    position: absolute; 
    border-radius: 100%; 
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 7px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85), 0 0 7px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), inset 0 0 40px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); 
    display: none; 

.small { 
    display: block; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="magnify"> 
    <div class="large"></div> 
    <img class="small" src="http://thecodeplayer.com/uploads/media/iphone.jpg" width="200" /> 




私が参考にしたコードペインが大好きです。このような素晴らしいアイデアは、バックグラウンドポジションと画像の余分なコピー(完全な解像度)を使って拡大鏡をシミュレートします。とてもかっこいい! – flyer




$(document).ready(function() { 
    var native_width = 0; 
    var native_height = 0; 
    $(".large").css("background", function() { 
    return "url('" + $(this).next(".small").attr("src") + "') no-repeat" 

    $(".magnify").mousemove(function(e) { 
    // retrieve the related elements here: 
    var $this = $(this), 
     $small = $this.find('.small'), 
     $large = $this.find('.large'); 
    // ... and use them in the below code block: 
    if (!native_width && !native_height) { 
     var image_object = new Image(); 
     image_object.src = $small.attr("src"); 
     native_width = image_object.width; 
     native_height = image_object.height; 
    } else { 
     var magnify_offset = $this.offset(); 
     var mx = e.pageX - magnify_offset.left; 
     var my = e.pageY - magnify_offset.top; 

     if (mx < $this.width() && my < $this.height() && mx > 0 && my > 0) { 
     } else { 
     if ($large.is(":visible")) { 
     var rx = Math.round(mx/$small.width() * native_width - $(".large").width()/2) * -1; 
     var ry = Math.round(my/$small.height() * native_height - $(".large").height()/2) * -1; 
     var bgp = rx + "px " + ry + "px"; 
     var px = mx - $large.width()/2; 
     var py = my - $large.height()/2; 

      left: px, 
      top: py, 
      backgroundPosition: bgp 
* { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 

.magnify { 
    width: 200px; 
    margin: 50px auto; 
    position: relative; 
    cursor: none 

.large { 
    width: 175px; 
    height: 175px; 
    position: absolute; 
    border-radius: 100%; 
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 7px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85), 0 0 7px 7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25), inset 0 0 40px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); 
    display: none; 
    z-index: 10; /* add this to stop the cropping of the magnifier */ 

.small { 
    display: block; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="magnify"> 
    <div class="large"></div> 
    <img class="small" src="http://thecodeplayer.com/uploads/media/iphone.jpg" width="200" /> 

<div class="magnify"> 
    <div class="large"></div> 
    <img class="small" src="http://thecodeplayer.com/uploads/media/iphone.jpg" width="200" /> 

