$files = (Get-ChildItem "\\cottonwood\users\IT\Missing Folder Location")
$files = (Get-ChildItem "\\cottonwood\users\IT\Missing Folder Location").fullname
Param (
$Path = "\\cottonwood\users\Shared\Pool Acquisitions",
$SMTPServer = "mail.genericmail.com",
$From = "[email protected]",
#The below commented out line is used to test with just one individual. Be sure to comment out the one with all individuals before troubleshooting.
#$To = @("[email protected]"),
$SMTPport = "587",
$To = @("[email protected]"),
$Subject = "Folders Added in",
$logname = "\\cottonwood\users\Shared\Loan Documents - Active\logs\New Folders$date.txt",
$date = (Get-Date -Format MMddyyyy),
$SMTPBody = "body",
$files = (Get-ChildItem "\\cottonwood\users\IT\Missing Folder Location")
$SMTPMessage = @{
To = $To
From = $From
Subject = "$Subject $Path"
Smtpserver = $SMTPServer
Port = $SMTPport
$attachment = $files
$SMTPBody = "`nThe following folders have been found to be non-existant in the last 24 hours:`n`n"
Send-MailMessage @SMTPMessage -Body $SMTPBody -Attachments $attachment