私は店のすべてのサプライヤーと顧客の合計売上を表示するためのビューを作成しようとしています。 顧客の総売上高は入手しやすいですが、問題はブランドを使って列を作成しなければならないとき、私はこのサイト、教義などを見ていますが、解決策が見つかりません。小枝テンプレート内の列を通じてDoctrine - ビューでダイナミックリストを作成
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$columns = $em->getClassMetadata(your_entity_name::class)->getFieldNames();
* @Route("/widget/summarize")
* @return Render
public function widgetSummarizeAction()
$suppliers = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
->select(['su.name AS name'])
->from('AppBundle:Supplier', 'su')
$data = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->createQueryBuilder()->groupBy('c.name')
's.id AS id',
's.invoiceDate AS invoiceDate',
'c.name AS customer',
'SUM(ROUND(s.amount * s.price, 2)) AS totalSales',
'su.name AS supplier',
->from('AppBundle:Sale', 's')
->leftJoin('s.supplierCustomer', 'sc')
->leftJoin('sc.customer', 'c')
->leftJoin('sc.supplier', 'su')
return $this->render('AppBundle::home_widget.html.twig', [
'title' => 'Total Sales',
'icon' => 'money',
'urlList' => $this->generateUrl($this->getUrlList()),
'rowRoute' => $this->getUrlEdit(),
'data' => $data,
'columns' => [
'customer' => 'customer',
'totalSales' => 'Total Sales'
<div class="panel panel-default home-widget">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h2 class="panel-title pull-left">
{% if icon is defined and icon is not empty %}<i class="fa fa-{{ icon }}"></i>{% endif %}
{{ title }}
{% if urlList %}
<a class="btn btn-primary pull-right" href="{{ urlList }}">See All</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="panel-body">
{% if data is not empty and data is iterable %}
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
{% for column in columns %}
<td>{{ column }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% for row in data %}
{% set href = url(rowRoute, {'id': row.id}) %}
{% for key,column in columns %}
<a href="{{ href }}">
{{ row[key] | raw }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}