private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<IRequestHandler>> _strategyGetter = new Dictionary<Type, IRequestHandler>()
{typeof(ActualRequest),() => new ActualRequestHandler()},
{typeof(AnotherRequest),() => new AnotherRequestHandler()}
// Define a weakly typed interface, to be called
// by the invoking code.
public interface IRequestHandler
public string HandleRequest(string xmlRequest);
// Defines a generic handler, accepting two type parameters, one
// for the request, one for the response.
public abstract class RequestHandler<RequestType, ResponseType> : IRequestHandler
public XmlSerializer GetRequestSerializer()
return GetSerializer(typeof(RequestType));
public XmlSerializer GetResponseSerializer()
return GetSerializer(typeof(ResponseType));
// an alternative, depending upon your deserialization library,
// could be:
// return GetSerializer<ResponseType>();
public XmlSerializer GetSerializer(Type dataType)
... resolve based on type.
public string HandleRequest(string xmlRequest)
if (request == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
var requestSerializer = GetRequestSerializer();
var typedRequest = requestSerializer.Deserialize(xmlRequest) as RequestType;
// response is a ResponseType
var response = ProcessRequest(typedRequest);
var responseSerializer = GetResponseSerializer();
return responseSerializer.Serialize(response);
protected abstract ResponseType ProcessRequest(RequestType request);
// One handler implementation
// you can just declare the class and RequestHandler inheritance,
// and then right click and ask Visual Studio to "Implement abstract members"
public class ActualRequestHandler : RequestHandler<ActualRequest, ActualResponse>
protected ActualResponse ProcessRequest(ActualRequest request)
// ... do your processing
// One handler implementation
public class AnotherRequestHandler : RequestHandler<AnotherRequest, AnotherResponse>
protected AnotherResponse ProcessRequest(AnotherRequest request)
// ... do your processing
デザインベーススケルトン -
abstract class RequestBase { }
abstract class ResponseBase { }
/// <summary>
/// Base class which will handle the request if the derived type is responsible otherwise
/// send request to success handler in chain.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class HandlerBase<TRequest, TResponse> // contraints
where TResponse : ResponseBase
where TRequest : RequestBase
HandlerBase<TRequest, TResponse> nextHandler;
protected HandlerBase(HandlerBase<TRequest, TResponse> nextHandler)
this.nextHandler = nextHandler;
public TResponse Execute(TRequest request)
if (request == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
if (this.IsResponsible(request))
return this.InternalExecute(request);
return this.nextHandler.InternalExecute(request);
catch (Exception exception)
// log exception and rethrow or convert then throw.
protected abstract TResponse InternalExecute(TRequest request);
protected abstract bool IsResponsible(TRequest request);
class RequestA : RequestBase { }
class ResponseA : ResponseBase { }
class RequestB : RequestBase { }
class ResponseB : ResponseBase { }
internal class RequestAHandler : HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase>
public RequestAHandler(HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase> nextHandler) : base(nextHandler) { }
protected override RequestB InternalExecute(RequestBase request)
// do what ever RequestA handler shall do
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override bool IsResponsible(RequestBase request)
return request is RequestA;
internal class RequestBHandler : HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase>
public RequestBHandler(HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase> nextHandler) : base(nextHandler) { }
protected override RequestB InternalExecute(RequestA request)
// do what ever RequestB handler shall do
throw new NotImplementedException();
protected override bool IsResponsible(RequestBase request)
return request is RequestB;
class Dispatcher
// cache chained instances of handlers
private static HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase> handler = RegisterHandlers();
public static ResponseBase Dispatch(RequestBase request)
return handler.Execute(request);
private static HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase> RegisterHandlers()
// Build chain
HandlerBase<RequestBase, ResponseBase> contextChain = new RequestAHandler(null);
contextChain = new RequestBHandler(contextChain);
// register new handlers here e.g.
// contextChain = new RequestXHandler(contextChain);
return contextChain;
使い方 - あなたはそれがボイラープレートコードのあまりだ考えるかもしれない
var response = (ResponseA)Dispatcher.Dispatch(new RequestA());
。しかし、フレームワークがどのように構築されているか(定型化されている) Xのリクエストタイプの新しいハンドラを追加する場合は、RequestX
注 -システムを検証するユニットテストを作成します。私はオンラインのC#エディタでこのコードを書いた;)乾杯!
xmlを生成するためにserializeを使用する必要はありません。代わりに動的タグがある場合は、xmlElementまたはXElement(xml linq)のいずれかを使用してxmlを生成します。 – jdweng