次のように、$ colnumの最後の桁を追加します。コード内のコメントを参照してください。PHPで数値を再帰的に追加する方法
$studentcomment = '';
$colnum="col".$col."_".$c;// this will find col1_2, col2_2, col3_2, col4_2
$colnum= $this->input->post($colnum);// this will get value from post.
//e.g. col11, col12 col13 col14 or col15
echo "colnum is ";
echo $colnum; // this will be col12
echo "<br />";
$subgrade = substr($colnum,-1);// get the last digit
if($subgrade<5 AND !empty ($subgrade)){// 5 has no comment so excluded
echo "subgrade is ";
echo $subgrade;// this will be 2,3 or 4
$total += $subgrade;// add all the subgrade to find the total
echo "<br />";
echo "Total collaboration marks is ";
echo $total;
$studentcomment .=$this->lang->line($colnum);//output all the comments
from language file.
colnum is col15
colnum is col24
subgrade is 4
Total is 4
colnum is col33
subgrade is 3
Total is 3
colnum is col42
subgrade is 2
Total is 2
+1クリーンアップ。 – cmbuckley