function getSelectedOptions(sel, fn) {
var opts = [],
// loop through options in select list
for (var i = 0, len = sel.options.length; i < len; i++) {
opt = sel.options[i];
// check if selected
if (opt.selected) {
// add to array of option elements to return from this function
// invoke optional callback function if provided
if (fn) {
// return array containing references to selected option elements
return opts;
function callback(opt) {
// display in textarea for this example
var display = document.getElementById('display');
display.innerHTML += opt.value + ', ';
// can access properties of opt, such as...
// anonymous function onchange for select list with id demoSel
document.getElementById('demoSel').onchange = function(e) {
// get reference to display textarea
var display = document.getElementById('display');
display.innerHTML = ''; // reset
// callback fn handles selected options
getSelectedOptions(this, callback);
// remove ', ' at end of string
var str = display.innerHTML.slice(0, -2);
display.innerHTML = str;
document.getElementById('demoForm').onsubmit = function(e) {
// reference to select list using this keyword and form elements collection
// no callback function used this time
var opts = getSelectedOptions(this.elements['demoSel[]']);
alert('The number of options selected is: ' + opts.length); // number of selected options
return false; // don't return online form
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<form action="#" method="post" id="demoForm" class="demoForm">
<legend>Demo: Get Selected Options</legend>
<select name="demoSel[]" id="demoSel" size="4" multiple>
<option value="scroll">Scrolling Divs JavaScript</option>
<option value="tooltip">JavaScript Tooltips</option>
<option value="con_scroll">Continuous Scroller</option>
<option value="banner">Rotating Banner JavaScript</option>
<option value="random_img">Random Image PHP</option>
<option value="form_builder">PHP Form Generator</option>
<option value="table_class">PHP Table Class</option>
<option value="order_forms">PHP Order Forms</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<textarea name="display" id="display" placeholder="view select list value(s) onchange" cols="20" rows="4" readonly></textarea>
それはOKですが、このコードが、 – purender
捕捉されない例外TypeErrorを示す機能エラーのonchangeその動作していないcanotプロパティを使用していますが:「プロパティを設定できませんのonchange 'of null demo.php:43それはエラー – purender
です上記のエラーだけを解決してください – purender