SEVERE: Full Import failed:java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandlerException: SolrEntityProcessor: parameter 'url' is required Processing Document # 1
For SqlEntityProcessor the entity attributes are :
query (required) : The sql string using which to query the db
deltaQuery : Only used in delta-import
parentDeltaQuery : Only used in delta-import
deletedPkQuery : Only used in delta-import
deltaImportQuery : (Only used in delta-import) . If this is not present , DIH tries to construct the import query by(after identifying the delta) modifying the 'query' (this is error prone). There is a namespace ${dataimporter.delta.} which can be used in this query. e.g: select * from tbl where id=${dataimporter.delta.id} Solr1.4.
DIHの設定は何ですか? –