2016-12-06 4 views


は私の問題はこれです - 私は、選択ゲームをシミュレートするために、リストADTを使用しています。アイデアは、子供たちのグループが円の中に座って韻を唱えることです。各児童は、韻が完成するまで、韻の言葉を1つ言う。韻を最後に言う人はゲーム外です。韻は次の子から始まります。最後の最後の子が勝者です。

アプリケーションは、ゲーム内のプレイヤーの数とキーボードからの韻を読み込みます。 2つのリストが作成されます.1つはプレイヤー用、もう1つは韻用です。 arraylistsはメソッドのインターフェースを使います。



Please enter the number of players 
(It should be an integer value greater than or equal to 2):5 
The players list is: 1 2 3 4 5 
Please enter a rhyme: 
One Two Three Four Five 
Player 1: One 
Player 2: Two 
Player 5: Three 
Player null: Four 
Player null: Five 
Rhyme performance error! 
The players list is: 5 

The winner is: 5 




Please enter the number of players 
(It should be an integer value greater than or equal to 2):5 
The players list is: 1 2 3 4 5 
Please enter a rhyme: One Two Three Four Five 
Player 1: One 
Player 2: Two 
Player 3: Three 
Player 4: Four 
Player 5: Five 
Removing player 5 
The players list is: 1 2 3 4 

Player 1: One 
Player 2: Two 
Player 3: Three 
Player 4: Four 
Player 1: Five 
Removing player 1 
The players list is: 2 3 4 

and so on until only one player is left.... 


public class RhymeGame 
     public static void main(String args[]) 
      ListInterface<Integer> players = null; 
      ListInterface<String> rhyme = null; 

      int max; 
      int position = 1; 

      max = getInt(); 
      players = new AList<Integer>(); 

      for(int i = 1; i <= max; i++) 

      System.out.println("The players list is: " + players); 

      rhyme = getRhyme(); 

      while(players.getLength() > 1) 
       position = doRhyme(players, rhyme, position); 

       System.out.println("The players list is: " + players); 

      System.out.println("The winner is: " + players.getEntry(1)); 

     }//end of main 

     //Requires user to input the number of players. 
     private static int getInt() 
      Scanner input; 
      int result = 10;  //default value is 10 

       System.out.print("Please enter the number of players\n(It should be an integer value greater than or equal to 2):"); 
       input = new Scanner(System.in); 
       result = input.nextInt(); 
      catch(NumberFormatException e) 
       System.out.println("Could not convert input to an integer"); 
       System.out.println("Will use 10 as the default value"); 
      catch(Exception e) 
       System.out.println("There was an error with System.in"); 
       System.out.println("Will use 10 as the default value"); 

      return result; 

     }//end of getInt 

     //Requires user to input a rhyme 
     //(does not necessarily have to rhyme) 
     private static ListInterface<String> getRhyme() 
      Scanner input; 
      Scanner rhymeWords; 
      String inString; 

      ListInterface<String> rhyme = new AList<String>(); 

       input = new Scanner(System.in); 

       System.out.println("Please enter a rhyme:"); 

       inString = input.nextLine().trim(); 
       rhymeWords = new Scanner(inString); 

      catch(Exception e) 
       System.out.println("Input error!"); 

      //At least one word in the rhyme 
      if(rhyme.getLength() < 1) 
       System.out.println("You must enter at least one word in the rhyme"); 

      return (ListInterface<String>)rhyme; 

     }//end of getRhyme 

     //Loops through the rhyme with the players in the list, 
     //removing the selected player at the end of the rhyme. 
     //players = the list holding the players 
     //rhyme = the list holding the words of the rhyme 
     //startAt = a position to start the rhyme at 
     //the position of the player eliminated will be returned. 
     public static int doRhyme(ListInterface<Integer> players, ListInterface<String> rhyme, int startAt) 
      int numPlayers; 

       numPlayers = players.getLength(); 

       while(numPlayers > 2) 
        for(startAt = 1; startAt < players.getLength(); startAt++) 
         for(startAt = 1; startAt < rhyme.getLength() + 1; startAt++) 
          System.out.println("Player " + players.getEntry(startAt) + ": " + rhyme.getEntry(startAt)); 
          numPlayers = players.remove(--numPlayers); 
      catch(Exception e) 
       System.out.println("Rhyme performance error!"); 

      return startAt; 

     }//end of doRhyme 

    }//end of class 


     An interface for the ADT list. 
     Entries in the list have positions that begin with 1. 
    public interface ListInterface<T> 

     /** Adds a new entry to the end of this list. 
      Entries currently in the list are unaffected. 
      The list's size is increased by 1. 
      @param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry */ 
     public void add(T newEntry); 

     /** Adds a new entry at a specified position within this list. 
      Entries originally at and above the specified position 
      are at the next higher position within the list. 
      The list's size is increased by 1. 
      @param newPosition an integer that specifies the desired 
           position of the new entry 
      @param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry 
      @return true if the addition is successful, or 
        false if newPosition < 1, or newPosition > getLength() + 1 */ 
     public boolean add(int newPosition, T newEntry); 

     /** Removes the entry at a given position from this list. 
      Entries originally at positions higher than the given 
      position are at the next lower position within the list, 
      and the list's size is decreased by 1. 
      @param givenPosition an integer that indicates the position of 
           the entry to be removed 
      @return a reference to the removed entry or null, if either 
        the list was empty, givenPosition < 1, or 
        givenPosition > getLength() */ 
     public T remove(int givenPosition); 

     /** Removes all entries from this list. */ 
     public void clear(); 

     /** Replaces the entry at a given position in this list. 
      @param givenPosition an integer that indicates the position of 
           the entry to be replaced 
      @param newEntry the object that will replace the entry at the 
          position givenPosition 
      @return true if the replacement occurs, or false if either the 
        list is empty, givenPosition < 1, or 
        givenPosition > getLength() */ 
     public boolean replace(int givenPosition, T newEntry); 

     /** Retrieves the entry at a given position in this list. 
      @param givenPosition an integer that indicates the position of 
           the desired entry 
      @return a reference to the indicated entry or null, if either 
        the list is empty, givenPosition < 1, or 
        givenPosition > getLength() */ 
     public T getEntry(int givenPosition); 

     /** Sees whether this list contains a given entry. 
      @param anEntry the object that is the desired entry 
      @return true if the list contains anEntry, or false if not */ 
     public boolean contains(T anEntry); 

     /** Gets the length of this list. 
      @return the integer number of entries currently in the list */ 
     public int getLength(); 

     /** Sees whether this list is empty. 
      @return true if the list is empty, or false if not */ 
     public boolean isEmpty(); 

     /** Retrieves all entries that are in this list in the order in which 
      they occur in the list. */ 
     public T[] toArray(); 


     A class that implements the ADT list by using an array. 
     The list is unbounded. 
    public class AList<T> implements ListInterface<T> 
     private T[] list; // array of list entries 
     private int numberOfEntries; 
     private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 25; 

     public AList() 

     }//end of constructor 

     public AList(int initialCapacity) 
      numberOfEntries = 0; 
      T[] tempList = (T[])new Object[initialCapacity]; 
      list = tempList; 

     }//end of constructor 

     public void add(T newEntry) 
      boolean isSuccessful = true; 

       list[numberOfEntries] = newEntry; 
       isSuccessful = false; 

     }//end of add 

     public boolean add(int newPosition, T newEntry) 
      boolean isSuccessful = true; 

      if(!isFull() && (newPosition >= 1) && (newPosition <= numberOfEntries + 1)) 
       list[newPosition - 1] = newEntry; 
       isSuccessful = false; 

      return isSuccessful; 

     }//end of add overload 

     public T remove(int givenPosition) 
      T result = null; // return value 

      if((givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= numberOfEntries))            
       assert !isEmpty(); 

       result = list[givenPosition - 1]; // get entry to be removed 

       // move subsequent entries towards entry to be removed, 
       // unless it is last in list 
       if(givenPosition < numberOfEntries) 


      } // end if 

      return result; // return reference to removed entry, or 
      // null if either list is empty or givenPosition 
      // is invalid 

     }//end of remove 

     public void clear() 

      for(int index = 0; index < numberOfEntries; index++) 
       list[index] = null; 

      numberOfEntries = 0; 

     }//end of clear 

     public boolean replace(int givenPosition, T newEntry) 
      boolean isSuccessful = true; 

      if(!isFull() && (givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= numberOfEntries)) // test catches empty list 
       assert !isEmpty(); 
       list[givenPosition - 1] = newEntry; 
       isSuccessful = false; 

      return isSuccessful; 

     }//end of replace 

     public T getEntry(int givenPosition) 
      T result = null; // result to return 

      if((givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= numberOfEntries)) 
       assert !isEmpty(); 
       result = list[givenPosition - 1]; 

      return result; 

     }//end of getEntry 

     public boolean contains(T anEntry) 
      boolean found = false; 

      for(int index = 0; !found && (index < numberOfEntries); index++) 
        found = true; 

      return found; 

     }//end of contains 

     public int getLength() 
      return numberOfEntries; 

     }//end of getLength 

     public boolean isEmpty() 
      return numberOfEntries == 0; 

     }//end of isEmpty 

     public boolean isFull() 
      return numberOfEntries == list.length; 

     public T[] toArray() 
      T[] result = (T[])new Object[numberOfEntries]; 

      for(int index = 0; index < numberOfEntries; index++) 
       result[index] = list[index]; 

      return result; 

     }//end of toArray 

     public String toString() 
     // Returns a nicely formatted string that represents this list. 
      String listString = ""; 

      for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) 
       listString = listString + " " + list[i]; 

      return listString; 

     }//end of toString 

     // Doubles the size of the array list if it is full. 
     private void ensureCapacity() 
      if(numberOfEntries == list.length) 
       list = Arrays.copyOf(list, 2 * list.length); 

     }//end of ensureCapacity 

     // Makes room for a new entry at newPosition. 
     // Precondition: 1 <= newPosition <= numberOfEntries + 1; 
     //    numberOfEntries is list's length before addition. 

     private void makeRoom(int newPosition) 
      assert(newPosition >= 1) && (newPosition <= numberOfEntries + 1); 

      int newIndex = newPosition - 1; 
      int lastIndex = numberOfEntries - 1; 

      // move each entry to next higher index, starting at end of 
      // list and continuing until the entry at newIndex is moved 
      for(int index = lastIndex; index >= newIndex; index--) 
       list[index + 1] = list[index]; 

     }//end of makeRoom 

     // Shifts entries that are beyond the entry to be removed to the 
     // next lower position. 
     // Precondition: 1 <= givenPosition < numberOfEntries; 
     //    numberOfEntries is list's length before removal. 

     private void removeGap(int givenPosition) 
      assert(givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition < numberOfEntries); 

      int removedIndex = givenPosition - 1; 
      int lastIndex = numberOfEntries - 1; 

      for(int index = removedIndex; index < lastIndex; index++) 
       list[index] = list[index + 1]; 

     }//end of removeGap 

    }//end of class 

あなたのキャッチでこのラインを使用する必要があります: 'のSystem.out.println( "!韻性能エラー\ n" は+ e.getMessage());'や ' e.printStackTrace() '次に出力をここに追加します。 – ChiefTwoPencils


私は元々その方法を持っていましたが、 "韻パフォーマンスエラー"の下に "null"を追加するだけです。 – Elekidcore


AListがコードで定義されていないため、コードにリファクタリングが必要 – firephil




アクション - 人物リストの最後の要素を削除します。

index = (person.size() % rhyme.size()) - 1

後は、アプリケーションのコードのサンプルです: -

public static void main(String[] args){ 

    //build lists and populate. Make sure that there are more 
    //players than rhymes so we can hit both cases. 
    ArrayList<Integer> player = new ArrayList<>(); 
    ArrayList<Integer> rhyme = new ArrayList<>(); 
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ 
     if(i < 6){ 

    //play the game until we find a winner 
    while(player.size() > 1) { 

     int indexToRemove; 

     //case 1 followed by case 2 
     if (rhyme.size() >= player.size()) { 
      indexToRemove = player.size() - 1; 
     } else { 
      indexToRemove = (player.size() % rhyme.size()) - 1; 



私は、2つの整数arraylistsを持つ代わりに、私は整数arraylistと1つのString arraylistを持っているということです。出力には両方が含まれている必要があります。 円内:[プレーヤー1、プレーヤー2、プレーヤー3、プレーヤー4、プレーヤー5、プレーヤー6] プレーヤー1 < - Eenie、 プレーヤー2 < - Meenie、 プレーヤー3 < - Mainee、 プレーヤー4 < - Mo プレーヤー4が出ました! – Elekidcore


私は 'ArrayList'の型が重要ではないと思います。それらはインデックスに関係なくデータ構造です。いずれのリストのタイプは、あなたが望むようにあなたの 'Players'と' Rhymes'を表現している限り、本当に重要ではありません。あなたは 'Player'と' Rhyme'型を作り、各リストのサイズのプロパティを使って、どのプレイヤーを削除すべきかを決めることができます。また、ゲームが実行されるたびに反復がないと考えてください。だから、1つの時間を再生することは、最長のリストに関して線形時間となるリストを反復するのではなく、一定の時間を要する。 – Imposter



private static void runGame(String[] rhyme, List<String> players) { 
    System.out.println("Rhyme is " + Arrays.toString(rhyme)); 
    do { 
     System.out.println("The player list is " + players); 
     for (int i = 0; i < rhyme.length; i++) { 
      System.out.println(players.get(i % players.size()) + ": " + rhyme[i]); 
     System.out.println("Removing " + players.remove((rhyme.length - 1) % players.size())); 
    } while (players.size() > 1); 
    System.out.println("The winner is " + players.get(0)); 


Rhyme is [one, two, three, four, five] 
The player list is [Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4, Player 5] 
Player 1: one 
Player 2: two 
Player 3: three 
Player 4: four 
Player 5: five 
Removing Player 5 
The player list is [Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4] 
Player 1: one 
Player 2: two 
Player 3: three 
Player 4: four 
Player 1: five 
Removing Player 1 
The player list is [Player 2, Player 3, Player 4] 
Player 2: one 
Player 3: two 
Player 4: three 
Player 2: four 
Player 3: five 
Removing Player 3 
The player list is [Player 2, Player 4] 
Player 2: one 
Player 4: two 
Player 2: three 
Player 4: four 
Player 2: five 
Removing Player 2 
The winner is Player 4 