Windows Server環境全体のセキュリティベースラインスキャンを自動化し、チケット発行システム(ServiceNow)に必要な特定の形式でテキストファイルに出力するスクリプトをPowerShellに作成しています。私はほぼ完璧ですが、PSObjectのNotePropertyの値を出力すると、必要なデータの間にコロンを入力します。テキストファイルからコロンを削除したくないのは、フォーマットに必要なタイムスタンプとコロンが他の場所で使用されているからです。 NotePropertyのテキスト出力からコロンを削除することは可能ですか?NoteProperty出力からコロンを削除するにはどうしたらいいですか?
$OutputFile = "C:\Temp\outputfile.txt"
Remove-Item -Path $OutputFile -Force
$ServerList = Get-Content "C:\Temp\test.txt"
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$Date = Get-Date
$Preamble = @"
Generated: $Date
Script: $ScriptName
Systems in scope
$($ServerList | Out-String)
Reports per server
"@ | Out-File $OutputFile
foreach ($Server in $ServerList)
$reg1 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine", $Server)
$key1 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog"
$key2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SamSs"
$key3 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\MpsSvc"
$key4 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time"
$key5 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\RecoveryConsole"
$key6 = "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\MSV1_0"
$key7 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon"
$key8 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\RecoveryConsole"
$key9 = "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa"
$key10 = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
$regkey1 = $reg1.opensubkey($key1)
$regkey2 = $reg1.opensubkey($key2)
$regkey3 = $reg1.opensubkey($key3)
$regkey4 = $reg1.opensubkey($key4)
$regkey5 = $reg1.opensubkey($key5)
$regkey6 = $reg1.opensubkey($key6)
$regkey7 = $reg1.opensubkey($key7)
$regkey8 = $reg1.opensubkey($key8)
$regkey9 = $reg1.opensubkey($key9)
$regkey10 = $reg1.opensubkey($key10)
$keyValue1 = $regKey1.GetValue('Start')
$keyValue2 = $regKey2.GetValue('Start')
$keyValue3 = $regKey3.GetValue('Start')
$keyValue4 = $regKey4.GetValue('Start')
$keyValue5 = $regKey5.GetValue('setcommand')
$keyValue6 = $regKey6.GetValue('allownullsessionfallback')
$keyValue7 = $regKey7.GetValue('AllocateDASD')
$keyValue8 = $regKey8.GetValue('securitylevel')
$keyValue9 = $regKey9.GetValue('TurnOffAnonymousBlock')
$keyValue10 = $regKey10.GetValue('DontDisplayLockedUserId')
if ($keyvalue1 -ne 2) {$keyvalue1 = "NOK"} else {$keyvalue1 = "OK"}
Write-Output "Server Name : $Server" | Out-File $OutputFile -Append
Write-Output "Date Generated : $Date" | Out-File $OutputFile -Append
$TXT = New-Object PSObject
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.1 - Set Windows Event Log to 'Automatic'" "$keyvalue1"
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.2 - Set Security Accounts Manager to 'Automatic'" $keyvalue2
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.3 - Set Windows Firewall to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue3
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "5.4 - Set Windows time to Automatic" $keyvalue4
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.1 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy and Access to All Drivers and All Folders' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue5
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.2 - Set 'Network Security: Allow LocalSystem NULL Session Fallback' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue6
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.3 - Set 'Devices: Allowed to Format and Eject Removable Media' to 'Administrators'" $keyvalue7
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.4 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Automatic Administrative Logon' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue8
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.5 - Set 'Network Access: Allow Anonymous SID/Name Translation' to 'Disabled'" $keyvalue9
$TXT | Add-Member NoteProperty "6.6 - Configure 'Interactive Logon: Display User Information When the Session is Locked'" $keyvalue10
$TXT | Out-File $OutputFile -Append
--- Generated: 10/04/2016 11:16:09 Script: Baseline Check - Notepad Version.ps1 --- Systems in scope ---------------- TestServer Reports per server ------------------ Server Name : TestServer Date Generated : 10/04/2016 11:16:09 5.1 - Set Windows Event Log to 'Automatic' : OK 5.2 - Set Security Accounts Manager to 'Automatic' : 2 5.3 - Set Windows Firewall to 'Disabled' : 2 5.4 - Set Windows time to Automatic : 3 6.1 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy and Access to All Drivers and All Folders' to 'Disabled' : 0 6.2 - Set 'Network Security: Allow LocalSystem NULL Session Fallback' to 'Disabled' : 6.3 - Set 'Devices: Allowed to Format and Eject Removable Media' to 'Administrators' : 6.4 - Set 'Recovery Console: Allow Automatic Administrative Logon' to 'Disabled' : 0 6.5 - Set 'Network Access: Allow Anonymous SID/Name Translation' to 'Disabled' : 6.6 - Configure 'Interactive Logon: Display User Information When the Session is Locked' :
私は、レジストリのチェックと状態間のコロンが必要(OK )行った。スクリプトはまだ完了していません。すべての値が完了するまでにOKまたはNOKのいずれかが読み込まれるためです。先に進む前にこれに取り組んでみたいです。
私は顔の中で私を見つめていました。私はプリアンブルでも使用していて、底部にはそれを適応させることは考えていませんでした。どうもありがとうございます!! –