class Application_Form_Search extends Zend_Form
public function init() {
// create new element
$query = $this->createElement('text', 'query');
// element options
$query->setLabel('Search Keywords');
$query->setAttribs(array('placeholder' => 'Query String',
'size' => 27,
// add the element to the form
//build submit button
$submit = $this->createElement('submit', 'search');
$submit->setLabel('Search Site');
<article class="search">
<!-- I get the action and method from the form but they were added in the controller -->
<form action="<?php echo $this->element->getAction() ?>"
method="<?php echo $this->element->getMethod() ?>">
<!-- renderLabel() renders the Label decorator for the element
<th><?php echo $this->element->query->renderLabel() ?></th>
<!-- renderViewHelper() renders the actual input element, all decorators can be accessed this way -->
<td><?php echo $this->element->query->renderViewHelper() ?></td>
<!-- this line renders the submit element as a whole -->
<td><?php echo $this->element->search ?></td>
public function preDispatch() {
//I put this in the preDispatch method because I use it for every action and have it assigned to a placeholder.
//initiate form
$searchForm = new Application_Form_Search();
//set form action
//set label for submit button
$searchForm->search->setLabel('Search Collection');
//I add the decorator partial here. The partial .phtml lives under /views/scripts
array('ViewScript', array(
'viewScript' => '_searchForm.phtml'
//assign the search form to the layout place holder
//substitute $this->view->form = $form; for a normal action/view
$this->_helper->layout()->search = $searchForm;
表示通常の<?php $this->form ?>
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