# ltspice.py
""" Use it as:
> python3 ltspice.py /path/to/datafile """
import pandas
import sys
data_header = "Time Gain Degree".split()
# Valid line example:
# 5.00000000000000e+006\t(2.84545891331278e+001dB,8.85405282381414e+001°)
def parse_line(linestr):
# ValueError and IndexError exceptions are used to mark the failure of
# the parse.
# First we split at the '\t' character. This will raise ValueError if
# there is no \t character or there is more than 1 \t
timestr, rest = linestr.split('\t')
# Then we find the indexes of the '(' and ')' in the rest string.
parenst, parenend = (rest.find('(')+1, rest.find(')'))
if (parenst == -1) or (parenend == -1):
# find() method returns -1 if nothing is found, I raise ValueError
# to mark it as a parsing failure
raise ValueError
# rest[parenst:parenend] returns the string inside parens. split method
# splits the string into words separated by the given character (i.e.
# ',')
powstr, degstr = rest[parenst:parenend].split(',')
# converting strings into floats. Replacing units as necessary.
time = float(timestr)
power = float(powstr.replace('dB', ''))
# this will fail with python 2.x
deg = float(degstr.replace('°', ''))
# You can use dict() instead of tuple()
return tuple(zip(data_header, (time, power, deg)))
except (ValueError,IndexError) as e:
return None
def fileparser(fname):
""" A generator function to return a parsed line on each iteration """
with open(fname, mode='r') as fin:
for line in fin:
res = parse_line(line)
if res is not None:
yield res
def create_dataframe(fname):
p = fileparser(fname)
# rec is a tuple of 2-tuples that can be used to directly build a python
# dictionary
recs = [dict(rec) for rec in p]
return pandas.DataFrame.from_records(recs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
data_fname = sys.argv[1]
df = create_dataframe(data_fname)
ax = df.plot(x='Time', y='Gain')
fig = ax.get_figure()
として保存し、あなたの端末からpython3 ltspice.py yourdata.dat
関数は( 'key'、value)の形で2タプルのタプルを返します。ここで 'key'は列名を表します。この値を使用して、create_dataframe
# test.py
import random
from ltspice import fileparser
def gen_data():
time = random.randint(0,100)*1e6
db = random.lognormvariate(2,0.5)
degree = random.uniform(0,360)
# this is necessary for comparing parsed values with values generated
truncate = lambda x: float('{:.15e}'.format(x))
return (truncate(time),truncate(db),truncate(degree))
def format_data_line(datatpl):
time, db, degree = datatpl[0], datatpl[1], datatpl[2]
formatted = "{0:.15e}\t({1:.15e}dB,{2:.15e}°)\n"
return formatted.format(time, db, degree)
def gen_ignore_line():
tmpl = "Step Information: L={}n (Run:{}/{})\n"
l = random.randint(100,1000)
r2 = random.randint(1,100)
r1 = random.randint(0,r2)
return tmpl.format(l,r1,r2)
def create_test_file(fname, valid_count, invalid_count):
""" Creates a test file containing data lines mixed with lines to be
ignored. Returns the data created.
valid_count: number of the actual data lines
invalid_count: number of the to-be-ignored lines
header = 'Time Gain Degree'.split()
data = []
formatteddatalines = []
for i in range(valid_count):
unfmtdata = gen_data()
data.append(tuple(zip(header, unfmtdata)))
invalidlines = []
for i in range(invalid_count):
lines = formatteddatalines + invalidlines
with open(fname, mode='w') as fout:
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
fname = 'test.data'
validcnt = 10
invalidcnt = 2
validdata = create_test_file(fname, validcnt, invalidcnt)
parseddata = [data for data in fileparser(fname)]
# Note: this check ignores duplicates.
assert(set(validdata) == set(parseddata))
このソリューションをありがとう、これは私のために働いた! 私は各行のチェックを 'strで追加しました。startswith( "ステップ情報") ' これにより、異なるステップをDataFramesのリストに分割しました。これは現在完全に動作します – RobertAlpha
うれしいことです:)あなたは大歓迎です!残念ながら –