double findLowest(double a, double b, double c, double e, double f)
// creating an array numberRange[] to read the 5 input double values
double numberRange[] = {a,b,c,e,f};
// creating a variable minimum and assigning it the value of the
// first item in the numberRange[] array
double minimum = numberRange[0];
// looping through the numberRange array
for(int counter = 1; counter < sizeof(numberRange) ; counter++)
// checking if the numberRange value at the counter is less than
// the minimum value. If true, the minimum value is replaced with
// a new value.
if (numberRange[counter] < minimum)
minimum = numberRange[counter];
return minimum;
代替の1行: 'findLowest(double a、double b、double c、double e、double f){double numberRange [] = {a、b、c、e、f}; return * std :: min_element(numberRange、numberRange + 5);} ' – PaulMcKenzie