2012-05-05 38 views
エラー次の製品画像をアップロードするとき、私はinterspireショッピングカートのバージョン3.5 を使用しています

が未定義のインデックス発生:UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_NOT_WRITABLE このエラー行に ISC_LOG-> HandlePHPErrorsを削除する方法を教えてくださいをなし138InterspireショッピングカートのPHPエラー

/LIB/uploadhandler.php ISC_LOG-> HandlePHPErrors ライン上のライン99上の138

/admin/includes/classes/class.product.image.php UploadHandlerFile->moveAs 

/includes/classes/class.product.image.php ISC_ADMIN_PRODUCT_IMAGE->remoteNewImageUpload on line 24 
/includes/classes/class.remote.php ISC_ADMIN_PRODUCT_IMAGE->routeRemoteRequest on line 29 
/admin/remote.php ISC_ADMIN_REMOTE->HandleToDo on line 18 


if (!defined('UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION')) { 
    // introduced in 5.1.2 
    define('UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION', 8); 

class UploadHandlerException extends Exception { } 
class UploadHandlerFileException extends UploadHandlerException { } 

class UploadHandlerProcessException extends UploadHandlerException { } 
class UploadHandlerProcessPostSizeException extends UploadHandlerProcessException { } 
class UploadHandlerProcessNoInputException extends UploadHandlerProcessException { } 

class UploadHandlerFileMoveException extends UploadHandlerFileException { } 
class UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException extends UploadHandlerFileMoveException { } 
class UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException extends UploadHandlerFileMoveException { } 

* Class for storing information about an uploaded file. Returned as a result of the various 'get' file methods in the UploadHandler class. 
class UploadHandlerFile { 

    * Name of upload field in HTML form 
    * @var string 
    public $fieldName; 

    * Name of uploaded file from client system 
    * @var string 
    public $name; 

    * MIME type of uploaded file 
    * @var string 
    public $type; 

    * Full path and filename of temporary uploaded file 
    * @var string 
    public $tmp_name; 

    * Error code of uploaded file, if any 
    * @var int 
    public $error; 

    * Size of uploaded file, in bytes 
    * @var int 
    public $size; 

    * Indicates if the file has been moved out of the temp storage. 
    * @var bool 
    private $moved = false; 

    * @param string $fieldName Name of uploaded field in HTML form 
    * @param string $name Name of uploaded file from client system 
    * @param string $type MIME type of uploaded file 
    * @param string $tmp_name Full path and filename of temporary uploaded file 
    * @param int $error Error code of uploaded file, if any 
    * @param int $size Size of uploaded file, in bytes 
    * @return UploadHandlerFile 
    public function __construct ($fieldName, $name, $type, $tmp_name, $error, $size) 
     $this->fieldName = $fieldName; 
     $this->name = $name; 
     $this->type = $type; 
     $this->tmp_name = $tmp_name; 
     $this->error = $error; 
     $this->size = $size; 

    * Attempts to moves this uploaded file to the given destination folder, automatically using the client-provided filename. 
    * @param string $destination Folder to move the file to 
    * @param bool $overwrite Optional. Default true. If true, any existing destination file will be overwritten. If false, this will throw UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException if the destination file exists. 
    * @return bool Returns true on success, otherwise false. 
    * @throws UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException If the destination file exists and $overwrite is false. 
    public function move ($destination, $overwrite = true) 
     // remove trailing slashes in the destination folder 
     $destination = rtrim($destination, '\/'); 

     return $this->moveAs($destination . '/' . $this->name); 

    * Attempted to move this uploaded file to the given destination folder with the given filename 
    * @param $destination Folder to move the file to 
    * @param bool $overwrite Optional. Default true. If true, any existing destination file will be overwritten. If false, this will throw UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException if the destination file exists. 
    * @return bool Returns true if the file was moved otherwise false if the file was already moved or if is_uploaded_file check returns false. If a move was attempted but failed an exception will be thrown. 
    * @throws UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException If the destination file exists and $overwrite is false. 
    * @throws UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException If the destination file exists and is not writable. 
    public function moveAs ($destination, $overwrite = true) 
     if ($this->moved || !is_uploaded_file($this->tmp_name)) { 
      return false; 

     if (file_exists($destination)) { 
      if (!$overwrite) { 
       throw new UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException(sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_EXISTS'], $this->tmp_name, $destination)); 

      if (!is_writable($destination)) { 
       throw new UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException(sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_NOT_WRITABLE'], $this->tmp_name, $destination)); 

     $result = @move_uploaded_file($this->tmp_name, $destination); 
     if (!$result) { 
      // checks are performed above to avoid this but move_uploaded_file can still fail since the calls are not atomic 
      throw new UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException(sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_NOT_WRITABLE'], $this->tmp_name, $destination)); 

     $this->moved = true; 
     return true; 

    * Returns the extension of the uploaded file based on the client-side filename. Files with no extensions will return a blank string, files such as ".htaccess" will return "htaccess". 
    * @return string 
    public function getExtension() 
     // reverse the string, find the text before the first (formerly last) dot and return it 
     $reversed = strrev($this->name); 
     $dot = strpos($reversed, '.', 0); 
     if ($dot === false || $dot === 0) { 
      // no dot or dot is at end of filename 
      return ''; 

     // reverse the extension and return it 
     return strrev(substr($reversed, 0, $dot)); 

    * Determines if the file was uploaded OK according to the error code. 
    * @return bool 
    public function getSuccess() 
     return ($this->error === 0); 

    * @return string 
    public function getErrorMessage() 
     $messages = array(

     if (!isset($messages[$this->error])) { 
      return ''; 

     return sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n[$messages[$this->error]], $this->fieldName, $this->type, $this->tmp_name, $this->error, $this->size, $this->getExtension()); 

* Generic file upload handler class with temporary file management, exception throwing and language-based error information 
class UploadHandler { 

    * Whether or not uploaded files have been processed yet. 
    * @var bool 
    protected static $_processed = false; 

    * Default language text that can be changed by the app using this lib. 
    * @var array 
    public static $i18n; 

    * Content length specified in the POST request. 
    * @var int 
    public static $contentLength; 

    * Max post size specified in php.ini stored as a number in bytes 
    * @var int 
    public static $maxPostSize; 

    * Max post size specified in php.ini stored as a number in bytes 
    * @var int 
    public static $uploadMaxFilesize; 

    * Max uploadable file size based on max POST size and max upload file size 
    * @var int 
    public static $maxUploadSize; 

    * Storage for data about files that have been uploaded. Array will contain a set of UploadHandlerFile instances. 
    * @var array 
    public static $files; 

    * Takes a php.ini-like bytes-size string such as 2M and converts it to a number. G, M and K each represent a unit of 1024 bytes: http://php.net/ini_get 
    * @param string $val The value to convert 
    * @return int The result in bytes 
    public static function iniBytes ($val) 
     $val = trim($val); 
     $scale = strtolower($val[strlen($val) - 1]); 

     $val = intval($val); 
     switch ($scale) { 
      case 'g': 
       $val *= 1024; 

      case 'm': 
       $val *= 1024; 

      case 'k': 
       $val *= 1024; 

     return $val; 

    * Processes server and $_FILE info relating to uploads to produce usable info. Assigns all gathered data to class variables which are accessible via public methods. 
    * @return void 
    * @throws UploadHandlerProcessPostSizeException If the posted data size exceeds the maximum post size defined by php configuration 
    * @throws UploadHandlerProcessNoInputException If no files were uploaded 
    public static function processUploads() 
     if (self::$_processed) { 

     self::$_processed = true; 

     self::$files = array(); 

     if (self::$contentLength >= self::$maxPostSize) { 
      // post length exceeds maximum post length ini directive - impossible for php to parse uploaded files because $_FILES is empty 
      throw new UploadHandlerProcessPostSizeException(sprintf(self::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_POST_SIZE'], self::$contentLength, self::$maxPostSize)); 

     if (empty($_FILES)) { 
      // no files uploaded 
      throw new UploadHandlerProcessNoInputException(self::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_NO_INPUT']); 

     foreach ($_FILES as $fieldName => $field) { 

      if (is_array($field['name'])) { 
       // input field that uses [] in it's name 

       self::$files[$fieldName] = array(); 

       foreach ($field['name'] as $index => $ignoreThisValue) { 
        $name = $field['name'][$index]; 
        $type = $field['type'][$index]; 
        $tmp_name = $field['tmp_name'][$index]; 
        $error = intval($field['error'][$index]); 
        $size = intval($field['size'][$index]); 

        $file = new UploadHandlerFile($fieldName, $name, $type, $tmp_name, $error, $size); 

        self::$files[$fieldName][] = $file; 

      } else { 
       // single input field 
       $name = $field['name']; 
       $type = $field['type']; 
       $tmp_name = $field['tmp_name']; 
       $error = intval($field['error']); 
       $size = intval($field['size']); 

       $file = new UploadHandlerFile($fieldName, $name, $type, $tmp_name, $error, $size); 

       self::$files[$fieldName] = array($file); 

    * Returns a flat list of all uploaded files; whether successful or not 
    * @return array 
    public static function getAllFiles() 

     $return = array(); 
     foreach (self::$files as $field => $files) { 
      foreach ($files as $file) { 
       $return[] = $file; 
     return $return; 

    * Returns only a list of files that were uploaded successfully 
    * @return array 
    public static function getUploadedFiles() 

     $return = array(); 
     foreach (self::$files as $field => $files) { 
      foreach ($files as $file) { 
       if ($file->getSuccess()) { 
        $return[] = $file; 
     return $return; 

    * Returns only a list of files that were not uploaded successfully 
    * @param bool $includeEmpty Optional. Default false. Set to true to include empty file upload fields as errors. 
    * @return array 
    public static function getErrorFiles ($includeEmpty = false) 

     $return = array(); 
     foreach (self::$files as $field => $files) { 
      foreach ($files as $file) { 
       if (!$includeEmpty && $file->error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { 

       if (!$file->getSuccess()) { 
        $return[] = $file; 
     return $return; 

// statically set default language vars - an app that needs to customize messages can do so after including this class (only needs to happen once) 

UploadHandler::$i18n = array(
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_POST_SIZE' => 'POST size of %1$d bytes exceeds the limit set in php.ini#post_max_size of %2$d bytes.', 
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_NO_INPUT' => 'No file input fields were detected in the POST request.', 
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_EXISTS'   => 'Could not move uploaded file "%1$s" to "%2$s" as the destination file already exists and the overwrite option was not set.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE'     => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE'     => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL'     => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE'     => 'No file was uploaded.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR'     => 'Missing a temporary folder.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE'     => 'Failed to write file to disk.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION'     => 'File upload stopped by extension.', 

// statically set some values that do not change throughout the lifetime of a request 

UploadHandler::$contentLength = (int)@$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']; 
UploadHandler::$maxPostSize = UploadHandler::iniBytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); 

// store this for informational purposes only - php upload support will internally deny uploads which are over this size but client-side code can use this to advise of file size limits 
UploadHandler::$uploadMaxFilesize = UploadHandler::iniBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); 

// the lowest of both maxPostSize and uploadMaxFile size determines the maximum size of a single file upload (may not be accurate to the byte since there's some POST overhead if max POST size happens to be smaller than max file size) 
UploadHandler::$maxUploadSize = min(UploadHandler::$uploadMaxFilesize, UploadHandler::$maxPostSize); 

はコードだけではなく、誤差を含ん! –


plz今すぐコードを確認 – Shamas


OK、私はチェックしています... –





if (!defined('UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION')) { 
    // introduced in 5.1.2 
    define('UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION', 8); 

class UploadHandlerException extends Exception { } 
class UploadHandlerFileException extends UploadHandlerException { } 

class UploadHandlerProcessException extends UploadHandlerException { } 
class UploadHandlerProcessPostSizeException extends UploadHandlerProcessException { } 
class UploadHandlerProcessNoInputException extends UploadHandlerProcessException { } 

class UploadHandlerFileMoveException extends UploadHandlerFileException { } 
class UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException extends UploadHandlerFileMoveException { } 
class UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException extends UploadHandlerFileMoveException { } 

* Class for storing information about an uploaded file. Returned as a result of the various 'get' file methods in the UploadHandler class. 
class UploadHandlerFile { 

    * Name of upload field in HTML form 
    * @var string 
    public $fieldName; 

    * Name of uploaded file from client system 
    * @var string 
    public $name; 

    * MIME type of uploaded file 
    * @var string 
    public $type; 

    * Full path and filename of temporary uploaded file 
    * @var string 
    public $tmp_name; 

    * Error code of uploaded file, if any 
    * @var int 
    public $error; 

    * Size of uploaded file, in bytes 
    * @var int 
    public $size; 

    * Indicates if the file has been moved out of the temp storage. 
    * @var bool 
    private $moved = false; 

    * @param string $fieldName Name of uploaded field in HTML form 
    * @param string $name Name of uploaded file from client system 
    * @param string $type MIME type of uploaded file 
    * @param string $tmp_name Full path and filename of temporary uploaded file 
    * @param int $error Error code of uploaded file, if any 
    * @param int $size Size of uploaded file, in bytes 
    * @return UploadHandlerFile 
    public function __construct ($fieldName, $name, $type, $tmp_name, $error, $size) 
     $this->fieldName = $fieldName; 
     $this->name = $name; 
     $this->type = $type; 
     $this->tmp_name = $tmp_name; 
     $this->error = $error; 
     $this->size = $size; 

    * Attempts to moves this uploaded file to the given destination folder, automatically using the client-provided filename. 
    * @param string $destination Folder to move the file to 
    * @param bool $overwrite Optional. Default true. If true, any existing destination file will be overwritten. If false, this will throw UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException if the destination file exists. 
    * @return bool Returns true on success, otherwise false. 
    * @throws UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException If the destination file exists and $overwrite is false. 
    public function move ($destination, $overwrite = true) 
     // remove trailing slashes in the destination folder 
     $destination = rtrim($destination, '\/'); 

     return $this->moveAs($destination . '/' . $this->name); 

    * Attempted to move this uploaded file to the given destination folder with the given filename 
    * @param $destination Folder to move the file to 
    * @param bool $overwrite Optional. Default true. If true, any existing destination file will be overwritten. If false, this will throw UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException if the destination file exists. 
    * @return bool Returns true if the file was moved otherwise false if the file was already moved or if is_uploaded_file check returns false. If a move was attempted but failed an exception will be thrown. 
    * @throws UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException If the destination file exists and $overwrite is false. 
    * @throws UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException If the destination file exists and is not writable. 
    public function moveAs ($destination, $overwrite = true) 
     if ($this->moved || !is_uploaded_file($this->tmp_name)) { 
      return false; 

     if (file_exists($destination)) { 
      if (!$overwrite) { 
       throw new UploadHandlerFileMoveExistsException(sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_EXISTS'], $this->tmp_name, $destination)); 

      if (!is_writable($destination)) { 
       throw new UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException(sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_NOT_WRITABLE'], $this->tmp_name, $destination)); 

     $result = @move_uploaded_file($this->tmp_name, $destination); 
     if (!$result) { 
      // checks are performed above to avoid this but move_uploaded_file can still fail since the calls are not atomic 
      throw new UploadHandlerFileMoveNotWritableException(sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_NOT_WRITABLE'], $this->tmp_name, $destination)); 

     $this->moved = true; 
     return true; 

    * Returns the extension of the uploaded file based on the client-side filename. Files with no extensions will return a blank string, files such as ".htaccess" will return "htaccess". 
    * @return string 
    public function getExtension() 
     // reverse the string, find the text before the first (formerly last) dot and return it 
     $reversed = strrev($this->name); 
     $dot = strpos($reversed, '.', 0); 
     if ($dot === false || $dot === 0) { 
      // no dot or dot is at end of filename 
      return ''; 

     // reverse the extension and return it 
     return strrev(substr($reversed, 0, $dot)); 

    * Determines if the file was uploaded OK according to the error code. 
    * @return bool 
    public function getSuccess() 
     return ($this->error === 0); 

    * @return string 
    public function getErrorMessage() 
     $messages = array(

     if (!isset($messages[$this->error])) { 
      return ''; 

     return sprintf(UploadHandler::$i18n[$messages[$this->error]], $this->fieldName, $this->type, $this->tmp_name, $this->error, $this->size, $this->getExtension()); 

* Generic file upload handler class with temporary file management, exception throwing and language-based error information 
class UploadHandler { 

    * Whether or not uploaded files have been processed yet. 
    * @var bool 
    protected static $_processed = false; 

    * Default language text that can be changed by the app using this lib. 
    * @var array 
    public static $i18n; 

    * Content length specified in the POST request. 
    * @var int 
    public static $contentLength; 

    * Max post size specified in php.ini stored as a number in bytes 
    * @var int 
    public static $maxPostSize; 

    * Max post size specified in php.ini stored as a number in bytes 
    * @var int 
    public static $uploadMaxFilesize; 

    * Max uploadable file size based on max POST size and max upload file size 
    * @var int 
    public static $maxUploadSize; 

    * Storage for data about files that have been uploaded. Array will contain a set of UploadHandlerFile instances. 
    * @var array 
    public static $files; 

    * Takes a php.ini-like bytes-size string such as 2M and converts it to a number. G, M and K each represent a unit of 1024 bytes: http://php.net/ini_get 
    * @param string $val The value to convert 
    * @return int The result in bytes 
    public static function iniBytes ($val) 
     $val = trim($val); 
     $scale = strtolower($val[strlen($val) - 1]); 

     $val = intval($val); 
     switch ($scale) { 
      case 'g': 
       $val *= 1024; 

      case 'm': 
       $val *= 1024; 

      case 'k': 
       $val *= 1024; 

     return $val; 

    * Processes server and $_FILE info relating to uploads to produce usable info. Assigns all gathered data to class variables which are accessible via public methods. 
    * @return void 
    * @throws UploadHandlerProcessPostSizeException If the posted data size exceeds the maximum post size defined by php configuration 
    * @throws UploadHandlerProcessNoInputException If no files were uploaded 
    public static function processUploads() 
     if (self::$_processed) { 

     self::$_processed = true; 

     self::$files = array(); 

     if (self::$contentLength >= self::$maxPostSize) { 
      // post length exceeds maximum post length ini directive - impossible for php to parse uploaded files because $_FILES is empty 
      throw new UploadHandlerProcessPostSizeException(sprintf(self::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_POST_SIZE'], self::$contentLength, self::$maxPostSize)); 

     if (empty($_FILES)) { 
      // no files uploaded 
      throw new UploadHandlerProcessNoInputException(self::$i18n['UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_NO_INPUT']); 

     foreach ($_FILES as $fieldName => $field) { 

      if (is_array($field['name'])) { 
       // input field that uses [] in it's name 

       self::$files[$fieldName] = array(); 

       foreach ($field['name'] as $index => $ignoreThisValue) { 
        $name = $field['name'][$index]; 
        $type = $field['type'][$index]; 
        $tmp_name = $field['tmp_name'][$index]; 
        $error = intval($field['error'][$index]); 
        $size = intval($field['size'][$index]); 

        $file = new UploadHandlerFile($fieldName, $name, $type, $tmp_name, $error, $size); 

        self::$files[$fieldName][] = $file; 

      } else { 
       // single input field 
       $name = $field['name']; 
       $type = $field['type']; 
       $tmp_name = $field['tmp_name']; 
       $error = intval($field['error']); 
       $size = intval($field['size']); 

       $file = new UploadHandlerFile($fieldName, $name, $type, $tmp_name, $error, $size); 

       self::$files[$fieldName] = array($file); 

    * Returns a flat list of all uploaded files; whether successful or not 
    * @return array 
    public static function getAllFiles() 

     $return = array(); 
     foreach (self::$files as $field => $files) { 
      foreach ($files as $file) { 
       $return[] = $file; 
     return $return; 

    * Returns only a list of files that were uploaded successfully 
    * @return array 
    public static function getUploadedFiles() 

     $return = array(); 
     foreach (self::$files as $field => $files) { 
      foreach ($files as $file) { 
       if ($file->getSuccess()) { 
        $return[] = $file; 
     return $return; 

    * Returns only a list of files that were not uploaded successfully 
    * @param bool $includeEmpty Optional. Default false. Set to true to include empty file upload fields as errors. 
    * @return array 
    public static function getErrorFiles ($includeEmpty = false) 

     $return = array(); 
     foreach (self::$files as $field => $files) { 
      foreach ($files as $file) { 
       if (!$includeEmpty && $file->error == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { 

       if (!$file->getSuccess()) { 
        $return[] = $file; 
     return $return; 

// statically set default language vars - an app that needs to customize messages can do so after including this class (only needs to happen once) 

UploadHandler::$i18n = array(
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_POST_SIZE' => 'POST size of %1$d bytes exceeds the limit set in php.ini#post_max_size of %2$d bytes.', 
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_PROCESS_NO_INPUT' => 'No file input fields were detected in the POST request.', 
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_EXISTS'   => 'Could not move uploaded file "%1$s" to "%2$s" as the destination file already exists and the overwrite option was not set.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE'     => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE'     => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL'     => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE'     => 'No file was uploaded.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR'     => 'Missing a temporary folder.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE'     => 'Failed to write file to disk.', 
    'UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION'     => 'File upload stopped by extension.', 
    'UPLOADHANDLER_ERR_MOVE_NOT_WRITABLE' => 'File not writable.' 

// statically set some values that do not change throughout the lifetime of a request 

UploadHandler::$contentLength = (int)@$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']; 
UploadHandler::$maxPostSize = UploadHandler::iniBytes(ini_get('post_max_size')); 

// store this for informational purposes only - php upload support will internally deny uploads which are over this size but client-side code can use this to advise of file size limits 
UploadHandler::$uploadMaxFilesize = UploadHandler::iniBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); 

// the lowest of both maxPostSize and uploadMaxFile size determines the maximum size of a single file upload (may not be accurate to the byte since there's some POST overhead if max POST size happens to be smaller than max file size) 
UploadHandler::$maxUploadSize = min(UploadHandler::$uploadMaxFilesize, UploadHandler::$maxPostSize); 

その問題を解決しますが、他の問題が発生します。私はあなたにすべての情報を送ることができるように私にあなたのメールアドレスを与えることができます – Shamas


私は問題のファイルを送信します。 – Shamas


plzあなたのメールをチェックしてください – Shamas
