* The StyleBar is used to customize styles in a Styled Document. It will take a
* JTextPane as an argument for its constructor and then all actions to be taken
* will affect the text in it.
* @author Andrew
public class StyleBar extends JToolBar {
private JLabel fontLbl;
private JComboBox fontBox;
// ...Irrelevant stuff to the problem at hand.
* The initEvents method is used to initialize the necessary events for the
* tool bar to actually do its job. It establishes the focus listener to the
* buttons on the bar, and gives each one its individual functionality. It
* also establishes the Font Selection interface.
public void initEvents() {
//For each item in the tool bar, add the focus listener as well as the
//formatting listeners:
boldFormat.addActionListener(new StyledEditorKit.BoldAction()); //boldFormat is
boldFormat.addActionListener(resetFocus); //a JButton
//Ditto for my italicsFormat and underlineFormat button(s) in the toolbar
leftAlign.addActionListener(new StyledEditorKit.AlignmentAction(null,
leftAlign.addActionListener(resetFocus); //This listener just resets focus
//back onto the TextPane.
//Ditto for my right and centerAlign buttons
//Set up the Font list, and add a listener to the combo box
* The buildFontMenu detects all of the SYstem's available fonts and adds
* them to the Font Selection box.
public void buildFontMenu(){
GraphicsEnvironment ge =
final String[] fontNames = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < fontNames.length; i++){
//What do I do here to take the entry at String[i] and make it so that when
//the user selects it it sets the font Family in a similar way to that of
//pressing the boldFormat button or the leftAlign button?
//Everything else is irrelevant