2017-09-27 17 views

私はJanusGraph repo(d6b3d42)を複製して問題なく構築しました。 ThinkerPop 3.2.4で使用する必要があるので、pom.xmlファイルでバージョンを変更しました。それから私はmvn clean install -DskipTests=trueを実行します。JanusGraph build failed(TinkerPop 3.2.4)

[WARNING] The POM for com.github.jeremyh:jBCrypt:jar:jbcrypt-0.4 is missing, no dependency information available 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] Reactor Summary: 
[INFO] JanusGraph: Distributed Graph Database ............. SUCCESS [ 0.563 s] 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Core: Core Library for JanusGraph ....... FAILURE [ 0.275 s] 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Test: Test Suite for JanusGraph ......... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph CodePipelines CI: Distributed release testing. SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-BerkeleyJE: Distributed Graph Database .. SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Cassandra: Distributed Graph Database ... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-CQL: Distributed Graph Database ......... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-ElasticSearch: Distributed Indexing Support SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-HBase: Parent Module .................... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-HBase: Version-independent Core ......... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-HBase: 0.98 Compatibility Shim .......... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-HBase: 1.x Compatibility Shim ........... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-HBase: Universal binary ................. SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Hadoop: Parent Module ................... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Hadoop: Version-independent Core ........ SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Hadoop: 2.x Compatibility Shim .......... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Hadoop: Universal binary ................ SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Lucene: Indexing Support ................ SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-All: Complete JanusGraph Distribution ... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Solr: Distributed Indexing Support ...... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Dist: Tar and Zip Archives .............. SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Dist: Archive with Hadoop 2 ............. SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Doc: AsciiDoc Manual for JanusGraph ..... SKIPPED 
[INFO] JanusGraph-Examples: Examples for JanusGraph ....... SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-Common: Common Graph Code for Examples ..... SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-BerkeleyJE: BerkeleyJE Storage, Lucene Index SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-Cassandra: C* Thrift Storage, ES Index ..... SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-Cql: C* CQL Storage, ES Index .............. SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-HBase: HBase Storage, Solr Index ........... SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-RemoteGraph: Example with RemoteGraph ...... SKIPPED 
[INFO] Example-TinkerGraph: Example with TinkerGraph ...... SKIPPED 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[INFO] Total time: 1.557 s 
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-09-27T16:44:59+02:00 
[INFO] Final Memory: 24M/303M 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project janusgraph-core: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.janusgraph:janusgraph-core:jar:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find com.github.jeremyh:jBCrypt:jar:jbcrypt-0.4 in http://download.oracle.com/maven was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of oracleReleases has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1] 
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. 
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. 
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: 
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException 
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command 
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :janusgraph-core 

にはどうすればTinkerPop 3.2.4バージョンでJanusGraphを構築することができますか?



更新Jitpackリポジトリを追加するには、root pom.xmlを:ApacheのTinkerPopの新しいバージョンは、この依存関係を持っていないので、

     <!-- for com.github.jeremyh:jBCrypt:jar --> 
     <name>JitPack Package Repository</name> 

このリポジトリは、pom.xmlを取り除きました。 janusgraph-usersのGoogleグループから



mvn dependency:get -DremoteRepositories="https://jitpack.io" -Dartifact="com.github.jeremyh:jBCrypt:jbcrypt-0.4" 

:あなたはdependency:getコマンドを使用することができます。あなたはJanusGraph downloadsページで見つけることができるものと同様、あなたがbuilding a distribution zipに興味を持っている場合は、このコマンドを使用します。

mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -Dgpg.skip=true -Pjanusgraph-release 



私は上記のコマンドを使用して、 "BUILD SUCCESS"メッセージを取得します。 JanusGraph全体が構築されたということですか? 'mvn dependency'は' mvn clean install'にどのように関係していますか? – trojek


私の答えは上記の通り –


私はあなたと同じようにエラーを取得します。 – trojek
