2016-04-13 12 views

私はTFS 2015.1(VSOではなく構内)を使用しています。問題は、TFS "Nuget Packager"を使用すると、csprojファイルからナゲットパッケージを作成できないことです。同じプロジェクトは、同じパラメータを使用して自分のマシン上でローカルに作成できます。TFS 2015.1 - vNext - NuGet Packagerを使用していますが、パッケージを作成できません。無効な引数

enter image description here



2016-04-13T17:37:34.3861624Z Set workingFolder to default: C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\tasks\NuGetPackager\0.1.56 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.3881631Z Executing the powershell script: C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\tasks\NuGetPackager\0.1.56\NuGetPackager.ps1 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5071696Z Checking pattern is specified 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5081742Z No Pattern found in solution parameter. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5121695Z Found files: 1 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5141691Z --File: C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s\WebFeatureService.csproj 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5151718Z Creating Nuget Arguments: 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5231689Z --ARGS: pack C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s\WebFeatureService.csproj -OutputDirectory C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s -Properties Configuration=Debug 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5241691Z Invoking nuget with pack C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s\WebFeatureService.csproj -OutputDirectory C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s -Properties Configuration=Debug on C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.5241691Z C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\agent\worker\tools\NuGet.exe pack C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s\WebFeatureService.csproj -OutputDirectory C:\TFS Build Agent\agent\_work\2\s -Properties Configuration=Debug 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9111884Z pack: invalid arguments. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9321907Z usage: nuget pack <nuspec | project> [options] 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9321907Z Creates a NuGet package based on the specified nuspec or project file. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9331905Z  Specify the location of the nuspec or project file to create a package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9331905Z options: 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9341894Z -OutputDirectory               Specifies the directory for the created NuGet package file. If not specified, uses the current directory. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9341894Z -BasePath                 The base path of the files defined in the nuspec file. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9341894Z -Verbose                 Shows verbose output for package building. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9351910Z -Version                 Overrides the version number from the nuspec file. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9351910Z -Exclude +                Specifies one or more wildcard patterns to exclude when creating a package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9361907Z -Symbols                 Determines if a package containing sources and symbols should be created. When specified with a nuspec, creates a regular NuGet package file and the corresponding symbols package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9361907Z -Tool                  Determines if the output files of the project should be in the tool folder. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9371921Z -Build                 Determines if the project should be built before building the package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9371921Z -NoDefaultExcludes              Prevent default exclusion of NuGet package files and files and folders starting with a dot e.g. .svn. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9371921Z -NoPackageAnalysis              Specify if the command should not run package analysis after building the package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9381908Z -ExcludeEmptyDirectories             Prevent inclusion of empty directories when building the package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9381908Z -IncludeReferencedProjects            Include referenced projects either as dependencies or as part of the package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9391903Z -Properties +                Provides the ability to specify a semicolon ";" delimited list of properties when creating a package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9391903Z -MinClientVersion               Set the minClientVersion attribute for the created package. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9401904Z -MSBuildVersion               Specifies the version of MSBuild to be used with this command. Supported values are 4, 12, 14. By default the MSBuild in your path is picked, otherwise it defaults to the highest installed version of MSBuild. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9401904Z -Help       (?)          help 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9401904Z -Verbosity                Display this amount of details in the output: normal, quiet, detailed. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9411909Z -NonInteractive               Do not prompt for user input or confirmations. 
2016-04-13T17:37:34.9411909Z For more information, visit http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/command-line-reference 




C:TFSは、エージェント\エージェントを構築する\ \エージェント\ワーカー\ツールはNuGet.exeパックCを\:\ TFS エージェント\ agent_work \ 2 \ S \ WebFeatureService.csproj -OutputDirectory Cをビルドします。TFSは\ agent_work \ 2 \ sの-Properties設定=デバッグ







あなたはお金の上にいました。すぐに使えるC:\ TFSBuildAgentの下に新しいエージェントをインストールしました。 TY。 –


@DavidC - どのバージョンのエージェントをインストールしましたか? – DaveShaw


もう少し前に修正されたようです:https://github.com/Microsoft/vso-agent-tasks/commit/3a7ac0f11ebe17cb110cca904cc8313319c4ad97 – DaveShaw
