2017-06-26 25 views

マーカーアイコンとしてSVGパスを使用していますが、その方向に基づいて回転しようとしています。アイコンは正しく回転しますが、アイコンを回転させるとラベルを整列させることができません。それを行う方法はありますか?マーカー+ラベルの回転 - Google Maps API v3

Rotating Labels


var ArrowIcon = { 
    path: path,//SVG path based on status - moving or stationary 
    fillColor: 'rgb(79, 151, 240)', 
    labelOrigin: labelOrigin, 

    //The SVGs are different to scale and shape 
    //that's why i need different origin for the label 

    fillOpacity: 1, 
    scale: scale, //Again because different SVGs 
    strokeColor: 'white', 
    strokeWeight: 1, 
    rotation: rotation, 

var Marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(Vehicle.Latitude, Vehicle.Longitude), 
    map: TrackingMap, 
    title: Vehicle.Name, 
    label: {text: Vehicle.Name, color: 'white', fontSize: fontSize, fontWeight: 'bold', fontFamily: '"Roboto", sans-serif'}, 
    content: Vehicle.Name, 
    icon: ArrowIcon, 
    // anchor: new google.maps.Point(500,500), 
    // this just moves the whole marker, doesn't affect rotation 



問題を示す[mcve]を指定してください(SVGパスとサンプルデータを含む) – geocodezip


JSFiddleの例が追加されました –


ラベルテキストが回転をサポートしていないように見えます。テキストを回転させる必要がありますか?それとも矢印の中だけ? – geocodezip




var icon = { 
    path: path, 
    fillColor: 'rgb(79, 151, 240)', 
    labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(25,30), // labelOrigin, 
    fillOpacity: 1, 
    scale: scale, 
    strokeColor: 'white', 
    strokeWeight: 1, 
    rotation: rotation, 
var Marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(Vehicle.Latitude, Vehicle.Longitude), 
    map: TrackingMap, 
    title: Vehicle.Name, 
    label: { 
    text: Vehicle.Name, 
    color: 'white', 
    fontSize: fontSize, 
    fontWeight: 'bold', 
    fontFamily: '"Roboto", sans-serif', 
    labelClass: 'TrackingMapLabel', 
    background: 'blue' 

    icon: icon, 
    // anchor: new google.maps.Point(500,500), 

proof of concept fiddle

screen shot of rotated icon with text


var VehicleList = [{ 
    Name: "76", 
    Latitude: 37.020423, 
    Longitude: -94.534732, 
    Location: "I-44, Joplin, MO 64804, USA", 
    ActivityDateTime: "2017-06-26T07:24:09.167", 
    FullActivity: { 
    ActivityDateTime: "2017-06-26T07:24:09.167", 
    Latitude: 37.020423, 
    Longitude: -94.534732, 
    GPSValid: true, 
    OnSiteTime: 4846, 
    Location: "I-44, Joplin, MO 64804, USA", 
    IgnitionOn: true, 
    HDG: 216, 
    Speed: 111, 
    IncrementalDistance: "9.4", 
    ODOMeter: "112580.203125", 
    TripDistance: "135.2", 
    ReceivedDateTime: "2017-06-26T07:24:04.477", 
    CustomType: -1, 
    MaxSpeed: 111, 
    IsUnauthorised: false, 
    HDOP: "0.80", 
    NumSatellites: 11, 
    CustomDescription: "", 
    CustomData: "", 
    OffRoadMetres: 122.90157756779, 
    DegreesBearing: 61, 
    LocationType: 1, 
    NamedArea: "Undefined", 
    EventPriority: "Low", 
    Version: 0, 
    Private: false, 
    CommunicationChannel: "Cellular", 
    EventTypeDescription: "Timed Update" 


var TrackingMap; 
var TrackingMapCenter = { 

    lat: 37.020423, 
    lng: -94.534732 
var TrackingMapZoom = 5; 

function initTrackingMap() { 
    TrackingMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('tracking-map'), { 
    center: TrackingMapCenter, 
    zoom: TrackingMapZoom, 
    mapTypeId: 'hybrid' 


function SetMarkers(VehicleList) { 
    for (i = 0; i < VehicleList.length; i++) { 
    Vehicle = VehicleList[i]; 
    var DT = Vehicle.ActivityDateTime; 
    var Offset = moment(DT).format('ZZ'); 
    Offset = parseInt(Math.abs(Offset.substring(0, Offset.length - 2))); 
    // console.log(moment(DT).add(Offset ,'h').format('MMM D, HH:mm:ss')); 
    var Speed = (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed <= 0) ? 0 : (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed/1.60934).toFixed(0); 
    var Directon = '<i class="fa fa-arrow-up" style="transform: rotate(' + Vehicle.FullActivity.HDG + 'deg); width:15px;margin:2px;" aria-hidden="true"></i>'; 
    var contentString = '<b>Truck# ' + Vehicle.Name + '</b>' + '<br /><i class="fa fa-map-marker" style="width:15px;margin:2px;"></i>' + Vehicle.Location + '<br /><i class="fa fa-clock-o" style="width:15px;margin:2px;"></i>' + moment(DT).subtract(Offset, 'h').format('MMM D, HH:mm:ss') + '<br /><i class="fa fa-comment" style="width:15px;margin:2px;"></i>' + Vehicle.FullActivity.EventTypeDescription + '<br /><i class="fa fa-tachometer" style="width:15px;margin:2px;"></i>' + Speed + ' MPH' 
     // +'<br />Direction: '+Directon 
     '<br /><div class="input-group" style="max-width: 200px;padding:5px 0;"><input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" placeholder="Get directions"/> <div class="input-group-addon btn-sm" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="GetDirections_TrackingMap($(this),\'' + Vehicle.Location + '\');">Go!</div></div>'; 
    var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ 
     content: contentString 
    var pathArrow = 'M 1.958 11.5 h 33.531 c 0.444 0 0.875 0.151 1.221 0.428 l 17.556 14.045 c 0.978 0.783 0.978 2.271 0 3.053 L 36.71 43.072 c -0.347 0.277 -0.777 0.428 -1.221 0.428 H 1.958 C 0.877 43.5 0 42.623 0 41.542 l 0 -28.084 C 0 12.377 0.877 11.5 1.958 11.5 Z'; 
    var pathArrowScale = 0.6; 
    var pathCircle = 'M 409.133 109.203 c -19.608 -33.592 -46.205 -60.189 -79.798 -79.796 C 295.736 9.801 259.058 0 219.273 0 c -39.781 0 -76.47 9.801 -110.063 29.407 c -33.595 19.604 -60.192 46.201 -79.8 79.796 C 9.801 142.8 0 179.489 0 219.267 c 0 39.78 9.804 76.463 29.407 110.062 c 19.607 33.592 46.204 60.189 79.799 79.798 c 33.597 19.605 70.283 29.407 110.063 29.407 s 76.47 -9.802 110.065 -29.407 c 33.593 -19.602 60.189 -46.206 79.795 -79.798 c 19.603 -33.596 29.403 -70.284 29.403 -110.062 C 438.533 179.485 428.732 142.795 409.133 109.203 Z'; 
    var pathCircleScale = 0.06; 
    var pathSquare = 'M 414.41 24.123 C 398.333 8.042 378.963 0 356.315 0 H 82.228 C 59.58 0 40.21 8.042 24.126 24.123 C 8.045 40.207 0.003 59.576 0.003 82.225 v 274.084 c 0 22.647 8.042 42.018 24.123 58.102 c 16.084 16.084 35.454 24.126 58.102 24.126 h 274.084 c 22.648 0 42.018 -8.042 58.095 -24.126 c 16.084 -16.084 24.126 -35.454 24.126 -58.102 V 82.225 C 438.532 59.576 430.49 40.204 414.41 24.123 Z'; 
    var pathSquareScale = 0.06; 
    var path = (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed > 0) ? pathArrow : (Vehicle.FullActivity.IgnitionOn) ? pathCircle : pathSquare; 
    var scale = (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed > 0) ? pathArrowScale : (Vehicle.FullActivity.IgnitionOn) ? pathCircleScale : pathSquareScale; 
    var rotation = (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed > 0) ? -90 + Vehicle.FullActivity.HDG : (Vehicle.FullActivity.IgnitionOn) ? 0 : 0; 
    var labelOrigin = (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed > 0) ? new google.maps.Point(0, 0) : (Vehicle.FullActivity.IgnitionOn) ? new google.maps.Point(220, 220) : new google.maps.Point(220, 220); 
    var fontSize = (Vehicle.FullActivity.Speed > 0) ? '12px' : (Vehicle.FullActivity.IgnitionOn) ? '10px' : '10px'; 

    var icon = { 
     path: path, 
     fillColor: 'rgb(79, 151, 240)', 
     labelOrigin: new google.maps.Point(25, 30), // labelOrigin, 
     fillOpacity: 1, 
     scale: scale, 
     strokeColor: 'white', 
     strokeWeight: 1, 
     rotation: rotation, 

    var Marker = new google.maps.Marker({ 
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(Vehicle.Latitude, Vehicle.Longitude), 
     map: TrackingMap, 
     title: Vehicle.Name, 
     label: { 
     text: Vehicle.Name, 
     color: 'white', 
     fontSize: fontSize, 
     fontWeight: 'bold', 
     fontFamily: '"Roboto", sans-serif', 
     labelClass: 'TrackingMapLabel', 
     background: 'blue' 

     icon: icon, 
     // anchor: new google.maps.Point(500,500), 
    google.maps.event.addListener(Marker, 'click', (function(Marker, contentString, infowindow) { 
     return function() { 
     infowindow.open(TrackingMap, Marker); 
    })(Marker, contentString, infowindow)); 
    setInterval(function() { 
     var icon = Marker.getIcon(); 
     icon.rotation += 10; 
     icon.rotation %= 360; 
    }, 1000); 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.18.1/moment.js"></script> 
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&libraries=places,geometry&language=en&region=EN"></script> 
<div class="google-map " id="tracking-map" style="height: 525px"> 


ありがとうございます。もしあなたがそれらを回転させることが分かっていれば素晴らしいだろう –
