2016-10-10 9 views

ractive.jsループ内に複数の質問が生成されています。それぞれの質問には、異なる価格で複数の回答があります。私は合計価格を計算し、選択された回答が変わるたびにそれを再計算する必要があります。これで助けが必要です。 http://codepen.io/Nitoiti/pen/GjxXvoractiveを使用して複数のラジオの合計値を計算するには

<h1>Get total price</h1> 
<div id='container'></div> 

    <script id='template' type='text/ractive'> 

    {{#each designQuestions}} 
    <p><span>{{id}} </span> {{question}}</p> 
     {{#each answers}} 
     <label><input type='radio' name='designQuestions-answers-{{id}}' value='{{price}}' {{#if selected}} checked {{/if}} >{{answer}} - {{price}}</label> 
    <table class="total"> 
      <td>total price:</td> 
      <td>{{total}}</td> <!-- how to calculate total price and change it on radio buttons change? --> 

<script src='http://cdn.ractivejs.org/latest/ractive.min.js'></script> 

    var ractive, designQuestions; 
    designQuestions = [ 
     { id: '1', 
      question: 'Question1 ?', 
      answers: [ 
       {answer:'answer1',price:'222', selected: 'selected'}, 
     { id: '2', 
      question: 'Question2 ?', 
      answers: [ 
       {answer:'answer2',price:'55', selected: 'selected'}, 
    var ractive = new Ractive({ 
     // The `el` option can be a node, an ID, or a CSS selector. 
     el: '#container', 

     // We could pass in a string, but for the sake of convenience 
     // we're passing the ID of the <script> tag above. 
     template: '#template', 

     // Here, we're passing in some initial data 

     data: { 
      designQuestions: designQuestions 





<!doctype html> 
    <meta charset='utf-8'> 
    <title>Ractive test</title> 


     1. This is the element we'll render our Ractive to. 
    <div id='container'></div> 

     2. You can load a template in many ways. For convenience, we'll include it in 
     a script tag so that we don't need to mess around with AJAX or multiline strings. 
     Note that we've set the type attribute to 'text/ractive' - though it can be 
     just about anything except 'text/javascript' 
    <script id='template' type='text/ractive'> 

    {{#each designQuestions}} 
    <p><span>{{id}} </span> {{question}}</p> 
     {{#each answers}} 
      <label><input on-change='calc' type='radio' name='{{select}}' value='{{selected}}' >{{answer}} - {{price}}</label> 
    <table class="total"> 

    <script src='http://cdn.ractivejs.org/latest/ractive.min.js'></script> 

    var ractive, designQuestions; 
    designQuestions = [ 
     { id: '1', 
      question: 'Какой дизайн вы предпочитаете?', 
      answers: [ 
       {answer:'уникальный и лично свой',price:222,selected:1}, 
       {answer:'у меня уже есть готовый дизайн',price:553,selected:2}, 
       {answer:'дизайн не нужен',price:22,selected:3}, 
       {answer:'купим тему на themeforest',price:442,selected:4} 
     { id: '2', 
      question: 'есть ли у вас наработки по дизайну?', 
      answers: [ 
       {answer:'да, есть',price:22,selected:0}, 
       {answer:'нет, ничего нет',price:55,selected:1}, 
       {answer:'дизайн не нужен',price:0,selected:2}, 
       {answer:'еще крутой ответ',price:44,selected:3} 
    var ractive = new Ractive({ 
     // The `el` option can be a node, an ID, or a CSS selector. 
     el: '#container', 

     // We could pass in a string, but for the sake of convenience 
     // we're passing the ID of the <script> tag above. 
     template: '#template', 

     // Here, we're passing in some initial data 

     data: { 
      designQuestions: designQuestions, 
      var self = this; 
      // proxy event handlers 
       calc: function (e) 


      function calc() 
       var arrayLength = designQuestions.length; 
       sum = 0; 
       for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) 
        var lengthans = designQuestions[i].answers.length; 
        for (var j = 0; j < lengthans; j++) { 
         if (designQuestions[i].answers[j].selected === designQuestions[i].select){ 
          sum = sum + designQuestions[i].answers[j].price; 
