
theory SimpTr 
    imports Main 

type_synonym vname = "string" 
type_synonym 'a env = "vname ⇒ 'a option" 

datatype foo_exp = 
    FooBConst bool | 
    FooIConst int | 
    FooLet vname foo_exp foo_exp | 
    FooVar vname | 
    FooAnd foo_exp foo_exp 

datatype bar_exp = 
    BarBConst bool | 
    BarIConst int | 
    BarLet vname bar_exp bar_exp | 
    BarVar vname | 
    BarAnd bar_exp bar_exp 


datatype foo_val = FooBValue bool | FooIValue int 
datatype bar_val = BarBValue bool | BarIValue int 

type_synonym foo_env = "foo_val env" 
type_synonym bar_env = "bar_val env" 

inductive foo_big_step :: "foo_exp × foo_env ⇒ foo_val ⇒ bool" 
    (infix "⇒f" 55) where 
"(FooBConst c, e) ⇒f FooBValue c" | 
"(FooIConst c, e) ⇒f FooIValue c" | 
"(init, e) ⇒f x ⟹ 
(body, e(var↦x)) ⇒f v ⟹ 
(FooLet var init body, e) ⇒f v" | 
"e var = Some v ⟹ 
(FooVar var, e) ⇒f v" | 
"(a, e) ⇒f FooBValue x ⟹ 
(b, e) ⇒f FooBValue y ⟹ 
(FooAnd a b, e) ⇒f FooBValue (x ∧ y)" 

inductive_cases FooBConstE[elim!]: "(FooBConst c, e) ⇒f v" 
inductive_cases FooIConstE[elim!]: "(FooIConst c, e) ⇒f v" 
inductive_cases FooLetE[elim!]: "(FooLet var init body, e) ⇒f v" 
inductive_cases FooVarE[elim!]: "(FooVar var, e) ⇒f v" 
inductive_cases FooAndE[elim!]: "(FooAnd a b, e) ⇒f v" 

inductive bar_big_step :: "bar_exp × bar_env ⇒ bar_val ⇒ bool" 
    (infix "⇒b" 55) where 
"(BarBConst c, e) ⇒b BarBValue c" | 
"(BarIConst c, e) ⇒b BarIValue c" | 
"(init, e) ⇒b x ⟹ 
(body, e(var↦x)) ⇒b v ⟹ 
(BarLet var init body, e) ⇒b v" | 
"e var = Some v ⟹ 
(BarVar var, e) ⇒b v" | 
"(a, e) ⇒b BarBValue x ⟹ 
(b, e) ⇒b BarBValue y ⟹ 
(BarAnd a b, e) ⇒b BarBValue (x ∧ y)" 

inductive_cases BarBConstE[elim!]: "(BarBConst c, e) ⇒b v" 
inductive_cases BarIConstE[elim!]: "(BarIConst c, e) ⇒b v" 
inductive_cases BarLetE[elim!]: "(BarLet var init body, e) ⇒b v" 
inductive_cases BarVarE[elim!]: "(BarVar var, e) ⇒b v" 
inductive_cases BarAndE[elim!]: "(BarAnd a b, e) ⇒b v" 


datatype foo_type = FooBType | FooIType 
datatype bar_type = BarBType | BarIType 

type_synonym foo_tenv = "foo_type env" 
type_synonym bar_tenv = "bar_type env" 

inductive foo_typing :: "foo_tenv ⇒ foo_exp ⇒ foo_type ⇒ bool" 
    ("(1_/ ⊢f/ (_ :/ _))" [50,0,50] 50) where 
"Γ ⊢f FooBConst c : FooBType" | 
"Γ ⊢f FooIConst c : FooIType" | 
"Γ ⊢f init : τ⇩1 ⟹ 
Γ(var↦τ⇩1) ⊢f body : τ ⟹ 
Γ ⊢f FooLet var init body : τ" | 
"Γ var = Some τ ⟹ 
Γ ⊢f FooVar var : τ" | 
"Γ ⊢f a : BType ⟹ 
Γ ⊢f b : BType ⟹ 
Γ ⊢f FooAnd a b : BType" 

inductive bar_typing :: "bar_tenv ⇒ bar_exp ⇒ bar_type ⇒ bool" 
    ("(1_/ ⊢b/ (_ :/ _))" [50,0,50] 50) where 
"Γ ⊢b BarBConst c : BarBType" | 
"Γ ⊢b BarIConst c : BarIType" | 
"Γ ⊢b init : τ⇩1 ⟹ 
Γ(var↦τ⇩1) ⊢b body : τ ⟹ 
Γ ⊢b BarLet var init body : τ" | 
"Γ var = Some τ ⟹ 
Γ ⊢b BarVar var : τ" | 
"Γ ⊢b a : BType ⟹ 
Γ ⊢b b : BType ⟹ 
Γ ⊢b BarAnd a b : BType" 

inductive_cases [elim!]: 
    "Γ ⊢f FooBConst c : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢f FooIConst c : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢f FooLet var init body : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢f FooVar var : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢f FooAnd a b : τ" 

inductive_cases [elim!]: 
    "Γ ⊢b BarBConst c : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢b BarIConst c : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢b BarLet var init body : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢b BarVar var : τ" 
    "Γ ⊢b BarAnd a b : τ" 

lemma foo_typing_is_fun: 
    "Γ ⊢f exp : τ⇩1 ⟹ 
    Γ ⊢f exp : τ⇩2 ⟹ 
    τ⇩1 = τ⇩2" 
    apply (induct Γ exp τ⇩1 arbitrary: τ⇩2 rule: foo_typing.induct) 
    apply blast 
    apply blast 
    apply blast 
    apply fastforce 
    by blast 

lemma bar_typing_is_fun: 
    "Γ ⊢b exp : τ⇩1 ⟹ 
    Γ ⊢b exp : τ⇩2 ⟹ 
    τ⇩1 = τ⇩2" 
    apply (induct Γ exp τ⇩1 arbitrary: τ⇩2 rule: bar_typing.induct) 
    apply blast 
    apply blast 
    apply blast 
    apply fastforce 
    by blast 


primrec FooToBar :: "foo_exp ⇒ bar_exp option" where 
    "FooToBar (FooBConst c) = Some (BarBConst c)" | 
    "FooToBar (FooIConst c) = None" | 
    "FooToBar (FooLet var init body) = (case FooToBar init of 
    Some barInit ⇒ (case FooToBar body of 
     Some barBody ⇒ Some (BarLet var barInit barBody) | 
    _ ⇒ None) | _ ⇒ None)" | 
    "FooToBar (FooVar var) = Some (BarVar var)" | 
    "FooToBar (FooAnd a b) = (case (FooToBar a, FooToBar b) of 
    (Some a1, Some b1) ⇒ Some (BarAnd a1 b1) | _ ⇒ None)" 


inductive type_equiv :: "foo_type ⇒ bar_type ⇒ bool" (infix "∼" 50) where 
"FooBType ∼ BarBType" | 
"FooIType ∼ BarIType" 

lemma FooToBarPreserveType: 
    "FooToBar fooExp = Some barExp ⟹ 
    Γ1 ⊢f fooExp : t1 ⟹ 
    Γ2 ⊢b barExp : t2 ⟹ 
    t1 ∼ t2" 
    apply (induct fooExp arbitrary: barExp Γ1 Γ2 t1 t2) 


inductive val_equiv :: "foo_val ⇒ bar_val ⇒ bool" (infix "≈" 50) where 
"v⇩F = v⇩B ⟹ FooBValue v⇩F ≈ BarBValue v⇩B" | 
"v⇩F = v⇩B ⟹ FooIValue v⇩F ≈ BarIValue v⇩B" 

lemma FooToBarPreserveValue: 
    "FooToBar fooExp = Some barExp ⟹ 
    FooEval fooExp fooEnv = Some v1 ⟹ 
    BarEval barExp barEnv = Some v2 ⟹ 
    v1 ≈ v2" 
    apply (induct fooExp arbitrary: barExp fooEnv barEnv v1 v2) 

私も証明しましたいくつかの導入事例。しかし、私はFooToBar (FooVar x)の場合の補題を証明することはできません。

一般に、FooVar xは、BarVar xと同様のタイプまたは値を持つことが証明できません。

FooToBarはもっと複雑でなければならないと思います。何らかの種類の表現環境や変数マッピングも必要とします。 FooToBarのより良い署名を提案できますか?私はそのような翻訳者は些細なことだと思うが、それを説明する教科書は見つからない。




inductive foo_to_bar :: "foo_tenv ⇒ foo_exp ⇒ bar_tenv ⇒ bar_exp ⇒ bool" 
    ("_ ⊢/ _ ↝/ _ ⊢/ _" 50) where 
"Γ⇩F ⊢ FooBConst c ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ BarBConst c" | 
"Γ⇩F ⊢ init⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ init⇩B ⟹ 
Γ⇩F ⊢f init⇩F : τ⇩F⇩1 ⟹ 
Γ⇩B ⊢b init⇩B : τ⇩B⇩1 ⟹ 
Γ⇩F(var↦τ⇩F⇩1) ⊢ body⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B(var↦τ⇩B⇩1) ⊢ body⇩B ⟹ 
Γ⇩F ⊢f FooLet var init⇩F body⇩F : τ⇩F ⟹ 
Γ⇩B ⊢b BarLet var init⇩B body⇩B : τ⇩B ⟹ 
τ⇩F ∼ τ⇩B ⟹ 
Γ⇩F ⊢ FooLet var init⇩F body⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ BarLet var init⇩B body⇩B" | 
"Γ⇩F var = Some τ⇩F ⟹ 
Γ⇩B var = Some τ⇩B ⟹ 
τ⇩F ∼ τ⇩B ⟹ 
Γ⇩F ⊢ FooVar var ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ BarVar var" | 
"Γ⇩F ⊢ a⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ a⇩B ⟹ 
Γ⇩F ⊢ b⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ b⇩B ⟹ 
Γ⇩F ⊢ FooAnd a⇩F b⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ BarAnd a⇩B b⇩B" 

inductive_cases [elim!]: "Γ⇩F ⊢ FooBConst c ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ BarBConst c" 
inductive_cases FooLetToBarE[elim!]: "Γ⇩F ⊢ FooLet var init⇩F body⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ exp⇩B" 
inductive_cases [elim!]: "Γ⇩F ⊢ FooVar var ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ BarVar var" 
inductive_cases [elim!]: "Γ⇩F ⊢ FooAnd a⇩F b⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ exp⇩B" 

lemma foo_to_bar_is_fun : 
    "Γ⇩F ⊢ exp⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ exp⇩B⇩1 ⟹ 
    Γ⇩F ⊢ exp⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ exp⇩B⇩2 ⟹ 
    exp⇩B⇩1 = exp⇩B⇩2" 
    apply (induct Γ⇩F exp⇩F Γ⇩B exp⇩B⇩1 arbitrary: exp⇩B⇩2 rule: foo_to_bar.induct) 
    apply (erule foo_to_bar.cases; simp) 
    apply (smt FooLetToBarE bar_typing_is_fun foo_typing_is_fun) 
    apply (erule foo_to_bar.cases; simp) 
    by blast 


lemma foo_to_bar_preserve_type: 
    "Γ⇩F ⊢ exp⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ exp⇩B ⟹ 
    Γ⇩F ⊢f exp⇩F : τ⇩F ⟹ 
    Γ⇩B ⊢b exp⇩B : τ⇩B ⟹ 
    τ⇩F ∼ τ⇩B" 
    apply (induct Γ⇩F exp⇩F Γ⇩B exp⇩B arbitrary: τ⇩F τ⇩B rule: foo_to_bar.induct) 
    using type_equiv.intros(1) apply blast 
    using foo_typing_is_fun bar_typing_is_fun apply blast 
    apply auto[1] 
    by blast 


inductive_cases [elim!]: 
    "FooBValue v⇩F ≈ BarBValue v⇩B" 
    "FooIValue v⇩F ≈ BarIValue v⇩B" 

lemma val_equiv_is_fun: 
    "v⇩F ≈ v⇩B⇩1 ⟹ v⇩F ≈ v⇩B⇩2 ⟹ v⇩B⇩1 = v⇩B⇩2" 
    using val_equiv.simps by auto 

primrec foo_to_bar_val :: "foo_val ⇒ bar_val option" where 
    "foo_to_bar_val (FooBValue v) = Some (BarBValue v)" | 
    "foo_to_bar_val (FooIValue v) = Some (BarIValue v)" 

lemma foo_to_bar_val_eq_value_equiv: 
    "(foo_to_bar_val v⇩F = Some v⇩B) = (v⇩F ≈ v⇩B)" 
    by (metis foo_to_bar_val.simps(1) foo_to_bar_val.simps(2) foo_val.exhaust option.inject val_equiv.simps) 

definition foo_to_bar_env :: "foo_env ⇒ bar_env" where 
    "foo_to_bar_env env ≡ map_comp foo_to_bar_val env" 

value "foo_to_bar_env (Map.empty(''x''↦FooBValue True)) ''x''" 

lemma foo_to_bar_val_distr: 
    "v⇩F ≈ v⇩B ⟹ 
    foo_to_bar_env (env⇩F(var↦v⇩F)) = (foo_to_bar_env env⇩F)(var↦v⇩B)" 
    by (auto simp: map_comp_def foo_to_bar_val_eq_value_equiv foo_to_bar_env_def) 

lemma foo_to_bar_preserve_semantics: 
    "Γ⇩F ⊢ exp⇩F ↝ Γ⇩B ⊢ exp⇩B ⟹ 
    (exp⇩F, env⇩F) ⇒f v⇩F ⟹ 
    (exp⇩B, foo_to_bar_env env⇩F) ⇒b v⇩B ⟹ 
    v⇩F ≈ v⇩B" 
    apply (induct Γ⇩F exp⇩F Γ⇩B exp⇩B arbitrary: env⇩F v⇩F v⇩B rule: foo_to_bar.induct) 
    using val_equiv.simps apply auto[1] 
    using foo_to_bar_val_distr apply fastforce 
    using foo_to_bar_val_eq_value_equiv foo_to_bar_env_def apply auto[1] 
    using val_equiv.simps by blast 