create table dbo.action
id int not null primary key ,
description varchar(32) not null unique ,
insert dbo.action values(1 , 'insert')
insert dbo.action values(2 , 'update')
insert dbo.action values(3 , 'delete')
create table dbo.foo
id int not null identity(1,1) primary key ,
value varchar(200) not null unique ,
create table dbo.foo_history
id int not null ,
seq int not null identity(1,1) ,
action_date datetime not null default(current_timestamp) ,
action_id int not null foreign key references dbo.action (id),
old_value varchar(200) null ,
new_value varchar(200) null ,
primary key nonclustered (id , seq) ,
create trigger foo_update_01 on dbo.foo for insert, update , delete
set nocount on
set xact_abort on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
-- record change history
insert dbo.foo_history
id ,
action_id ,
old_value ,
select id = coalesce(i.id , d.id) ,
action_id = case
when i.id is not null and d.id is null then 1 -- insert
when i.id is not null and d.id is not null then 2 -- update
when i.id is null and d.id is not null then 3 -- delete
end ,
old_value = d.value ,
new_value = i.value
from inserted i
full join deleted d on d.id = i.id
-- temp table must exist or the stored procedure won't compile
create table #foo_changes
id int not null primary key clustered ,
action_id int not null ,
old_value varchar(200) null ,
new_value varchar(200) null ,
-- create the stored procedure
create procedure dbo.foo_changed
-- do something useful involving the contents of #foo_changes here
select * from #foo_changes
return 0
-- drop the temp table
drop table #foo_changes
create trigger foo_trigger_01 on dbo.foo for insert, update , delete
set nocount on
set xact_abort on
set ansi_nulls on
set concat_null_yields_null on
-- create the temp table. This temp table will be in scope for any stored
-- procedure executed by this trigger. It will be automagickally dropped
-- when trigger execution is complete.
-- Any changes made to this table by a stored procedure — inserts,
-- deletes or updates are, of course, visible to the trigger upon return
-- from the stored procedure.
create table #foo_changes
id int not null primary key clustered ,
action_id int not null ,
old_value varchar(200) null ,
new_value varchar(200) null ,
-- populate the temp table
insert #foo_changes
id ,
action_id ,
old_value ,
select id = coalesce(i.id , d.id) ,
action_id = case
when i.id is not null and d.id is null then 1 -- insert
when i.id is not null and d.id is not null then 2 -- update
when i.id is null and d.id is not null then 3 -- delete
end ,
old_value = d.value ,
new_value = i.value
from inserted i
full join deleted d on d.id = i.id
-- execute the stored procedure. The temp table created above is in scope
-- for the stored procedure, so it's able to access the set of changes from
-- the trigger.
exec dbo.foo_changed