2017-04-17 9 views

サードパーティのRESTful APIを使用する必要があります。これは私のコントローラクラスである:サードパーティのRESTful APIを消費してパラメータを渡す

public class BrokerController { 

    @RequestMapping(value = "/broker", method = RequestMethod.POST) 
    public @ResponseBody MyPojo brokers(@RequestBody BrokerRequest brokerRequest){ 

     RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); 
     final String uri = "http://www.nepalipaisa.com/Modules/MarketMovers/Services/MarketMoversServices.asmx/GetTopBrokers"; 

     MyPojo myPojo = restTemplate.postForObject(uri,brokerRequest,MyPojo.class); 
     return myPojo; 


編集: - 私のPOJOクラス:正確な結果は以下の通り。すなわち

public class MyPojo { 
private String __type; 
private Integer RowTotal; 
private Integer StockID; 
private Object CodedCompany; 
private Object ClosingPrice; 
private Integer Amount; 
private Integer PreviousClosing; 
private Integer DifferenceRS; 
private Object Symbol; 
private Integer Price; 
private Integer Diff; 
private Integer PercentageDiff; 
private Object Volume; 
private Integer TotalTurnOverAmount; 
private String FirmName; 
private Integer BrokerID; 
private String BrokerCode; 
private Integer TotalTransactions; 
private Object Traded; 
private Object MaxPrice; 
private Object MinPrice; 
private Object OpeningPrice; 
private Object TotalShare; 
private Integer NoOfTransaction; 
private Integer Purchase; 
private Integer Sales; 
private Integer Matching; 

public String get__type() { 
    return __type; 

public void set__type(String __type) { 
    this.__type = __type; 

public Integer getRowTotal() { 
    return RowTotal; 

public void setRowTotal(Integer rowTotal) { 
    this.RowTotal = rowTotal; 

public Integer getStockID() { 
    return StockID; 

public void setStockID(Integer stockID) { 
    this.StockID = stockID; 

public Object getCodedCompany() { 
    return CodedCompany; 

public void setCodedCompany(Object codedCompany) { 
    this.CodedCompany = codedCompany; 

public Object getClosingPrice() { 
    return ClosingPrice; 

public void setClosingPrice(Object closingPrice) { 
    this.ClosingPrice = closingPrice; 

public Integer getAmount() { 
    return Amount; 

public void setAmount(Integer amount) { 
    this.Amount = amount; 

public Integer getPreviousClosing() { 
    return PreviousClosing; 

public void setPreviousClosing(Integer previousClosing) { 
    this.PreviousClosing = previousClosing; 

public Integer getDifferenceRS() { 
    return DifferenceRS; 

public void setDifferenceRS(Integer differenceRS) { 
    this.DifferenceRS = differenceRS; 

public Object getSymbol() { 
    return Symbol; 

public void setSymbol(Object symbol) { 
    this.Symbol = symbol; 

public Integer getPrice() { 
    return Price; 

public void setPrice(Integer price) { 
    this.Price = price; 

public Integer getDiff() { 
    return Diff; 

public void setDiff(Integer diff) { 
    this.Diff = diff; 

public Integer getPercentageDiff() { 
    return PercentageDiff; 

public void setPercentageDiff(Integer percentageDiff) { 
    this.PercentageDiff = percentageDiff; 

public Object getVolume() { 
    return Volume; 

public void setVolume(Object volume) { 
    this.Volume = volume; 

public Integer getTotalTurnOverAmount() { 
    return TotalTurnOverAmount; 

public void setTotalTurnOverAmount(Integer totalTurnOverAmount) { 
    this.TotalTurnOverAmount = totalTurnOverAmount; 

public String getFirmName() { 
    return FirmName; 

public void setFirmName(String firmName) { 
    this.FirmName = firmName; 

public Integer getBrokerID() { 
    return BrokerID; 

public void setBrokerID(Integer brokerID) { 
    this.BrokerID = brokerID; 

public String getBrokerCode() { 
    return BrokerCode; 

public void setBrokerCode(String brokerCode) { 
    this.BrokerCode = brokerCode; 

public Integer getTotalTransactions() { 
    return TotalTransactions; 

public void setTotalTransactions(Integer totalTransactions) { 
    this.TotalTransactions = totalTransactions; 

public Object getTraded() { 
    return Traded; 

public void setTraded(Object traded) { 
    this.Traded = traded; 

public Object getMaxPrice() { 
    return MaxPrice; 

public void setMaxPrice(Object maxPrice) { 
    this.MaxPrice = maxPrice; 

public Object getMinPrice() { 
    return MinPrice; 

public void setMinPrice(Object minPrice) { 
    this.MinPrice = minPrice; 

public Object getOpeningPrice() { 
    return OpeningPrice; 

public void setOpeningPrice(Object openingPrice) { 
    this.OpeningPrice = openingPrice; 

public Object getTotalShare() { 
    return TotalShare; 

public void setTotalShare(Object totalShare) { 
    this.TotalShare = totalShare; 

public Integer getNoOfTransaction() { 
    return NoOfTransaction; 

public void setNoOfTransaction(Integer noOfTransaction) { 
    this.NoOfTransaction = noOfTransaction; 

public Integer getPurchase() { 
    return Purchase; 

public void setPurchase(Integer purchase) { 
    this.Purchase = purchase; 

public Integer getSales() { 
    return Sales; 

public void setSales(Integer sales) { 
    this.Sales = sales; 

public Integer getMatching() { 
    return Matching; 

public void setMatching(Integer matching) { 
    this.Matching = matching; 

JSON IIは、消費する必要があります。現在、

"d": [ 
     "__type": "SageFrame.MarketMovers.MarketInfo", 
     "RowTotal": 0, 
     "StockID": 0, 
     "CodedCompany": null, 
     "ClosingPrice": null, 
     "Amount": 0, 
     "PreviousClosing": 0, 
     "DifferenceRS": 0, 
     "Symbol": null, 
     "Price": 0, 
     "Diff": 0, 
     "PercentageDiff": 0, 
     "Volume": null, 
     "TotalTurnOverAmount": 109969058, 
     "FirmName": "Vision Securities Pvt. Ltd.", 
     "BrokerID": 0, 
     "BrokerCode": "34", 
     "TotalTransactions": 0, 
     "Traded": null, 
     "MaxPrice": null, 
     "MinPrice": null, 
     "OpeningPrice": null, 
     "TotalShare": null, 
     "NoOfTransaction": 0, 
     "Purchase": 70691939, 
     "Sales": 39277119, 
     "Matching": 6381555 
     "__type": "SageFrame.MarketMovers.MarketInfo", 
     "RowTotal": 0, 
     "StockID": 0, 
     "CodedCompany": null, 
     "ClosingPrice": null, 
     "Amount": 0, 
     "PreviousClosing": 0, 
     "DifferenceRS": 0, 
     "Symbol": null, 
     "Price": 0, 
     "Diff": 0, 
     "PercentageDiff": 0, 
     "Volume": null, 
     "TotalTurnOverAmount": 104830489, 
     "FirmName": "Online Securities Pvt. Ltd.", 
     "BrokerID": 0, 
     "BrokerCode": "49", 
     "TotalTransactions": 0, 
     "Traded": null, 
     "MaxPrice": null, 
     "MinPrice": null, 
     "OpeningPrice": null, 
     "TotalShare": null, 
     "NoOfTransaction": 0, 
     "Purchase": 51927902, 
     "Sales": 52902587, 
     "Matching": 3049044 





あなたMyPoj oサードパーティのAPIが返すJSONと正確に一致しませんか? –


MyPojo myPojo = restTemplate.postForObject(uri、brokerRequest、MyPojo.class); このコード行は値を返しません。 –


サードパーティのAPIが別のデータ形式を返している可能性があります。たぶんxml。 –




Map results = restTemplate.postForObject(uri,brokerRequest, Map.class); 


ThirdPartyPojo results = restTemplate.postForObject(uri,brokerRequest, ThirdPartyPojo.class); 

はい、私はあなたが第二の選択肢で言ったようにしています。 –


{ "__type":ヌル、 "記号":ヌル、 "販売":ヌル、 "totalTransactions":ヌル、 "previousClosing":ヌル、 - :それは、このようなすべてのプロパティに対してnull値を返します。 "diff":null、 "トレード":null、 "closingPrice":null .... } –


マップを試しましたか?マップでは、サードパーティAPIからの応答であるint値の値を使用します。 Mapを使用した後にフィールドがまだnullの場合、その値はサードパーティAPIからのnullであることを意味します。 –


今の問題は、あなたのPOJO MyPojoは、サードパーティのAPIの応答に対応していないということです。


----------------------------------- com.example.D.java ---- -------------------------------

package com.example; 

import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; 

public class D { 

private String type; 
private Integer rowTotal; 
private Integer stockID; 
private Object codedCompany; 
private Object closingPrice; 
private Integer amount; 
private Integer previousClosing; 
private Integer differenceRS; 
private Object symbol; 
private Integer price; 
private Integer diff; 
private Integer percentageDiff; 
private Object volume; 
private Integer totalTurnOverAmount; 
private String firmName; 
private Integer brokerID; 
private String brokerCode; 
private Integer totalTransactions; 
private Object traded; 
private Object maxPrice; 
private Object minPrice; 
private Object openingPrice; 
private Object totalShare; 
private Integer noOfTransaction; 
private Integer purchase; 
private Integer sales; 
private Integer matching; 

// Getter .. Setter// 

------------ ----------------------- com.example.MyPojo.java -------------------- ---------------

import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; 
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder; 

public class Example { 

private List<D> d = null; 

// Getter ... Setter 



私はこれを私のローカルマシンで試しました。 'firmName'のようなプロパティはまだnullです。 –


可能性のある問題は、ゲッターセッターメソッド名が正しくない可能性があります。それを確認できますか? –


ここで私はまだヌルになっています。 –



final class Controller { 

    // Both RestTemplate and URI instances can be cached 
    private static final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); 
    private static final URI testUri = URI.create("http://www.nepalipaisa.com/Modules/MarketMovers/Services/MarketMoversServices.asmx/GetTopBrokers"); 

    // I'm using GET just to simplify the testing using a web browser 
    @RequestMapping(method = GET, value = "/") 
    public void post(final ServletResponse response) 
      throws IOException { 
     // Create a POST request entity 
     final RequestEntity<?> requestEntity = new RequestEntity<>(getRequest(0, 10), POST, testUri); 
     // And send the request to the remote server 
     final ResponseEntity<Resource> responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(requestEntity, Resource.class); 
     // Now just copy the response input stream to the output stream of this controller 
     try (final InputStream inputStream = responseEntity.getBody().getInputStream()) { 
      // Or provide HttpServletResponse via the controller method to be able to configure the response more accurately 
      StreamUtils.copy(inputStream, response.getOutputStream()); 

    private static Object getRequest(final long offset, final long limit) { 
     final Map<String, Object> request = new HashMap<>(); 
     request.put("offset", offset); 
     request.put("limit", limit); 
     return request; 



final class ExceptionControllerAdvice { 

    public ResponseEntity<?> handleHttpServerErrorException(final HttpServerErrorException ex) { 
     return new ResponseEntity<Object>("Bad gateway: " + ex.getMessage(), BAD_GATEWAY); 


それは働いた。これを投票した。 –
