<chart:Chart x:Name="chart" MouseLeftButtonDown="Chart_MouseLeftButtonDown">
<chart:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="lineSeries"
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private ObservableCollection<Item> items;
public MainWindow()
Random rd = new Random();
items = new ObservableCollection<Item>(
Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
.Select(i => new Item
Date = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(i - 10),
Value = rd.Next(10,50)
this.DataContext = items;
public class Item
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public double Value { get; set; }
private void Chart_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var p = Mouse.GetPosition(this.lineSeries);
//ranges in the real values
var left = items.Min(i => i.Date);
var right = items.Max(i => i.Date);
var top = items.Max(i => i.Value);
var bottom = items.Min(i => i.Value);
var hRange = right - left;
var vRange = top - bottom;
//ranges in the pixels
var width = this.lineSeries.ActualWidth;
var height = this.lineSeries.ActualHeight;
//from the pixels to the real value
var currentX = left + TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)(hRange.Ticks * p.X/width));
var currentY = top - vRange * p.Y/height;
this.items.Add(new Item { Date = currentX, Value = currentY });
X軸として日付を使用する場合には、さらに複雑becames。実際の幅、実際の高さ、データx範囲、データy範囲、および点の座標に関する情報が必要です。私は時間がある場合、私は同様のものを実装しようとします。 – vorrtex