2017-11-06 3 views




From Coq Require Import Ascii String ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool. 
From mathcomp Require Import eqtype choice ssrnat. 
Require Import order. 

Import Order.Syntax. 
Import Order.Theory. 

Lemma ascii_of_natK : cancel nat_of_ascii ascii_of_nat. 
Proof. exact: ascii_nat_embedding. Qed. 

(* Declares ascii to be a member of the eq class *) 
Definition ascii_eqMixin := CanEqMixin ascii_of_natK. 
Canonical ascii_eqType := EqType _ ascii_eqMixin. 

(* Declares ascii to be a member of the choice class *) 
Definition ascii_choiceMixin := CanChoiceMixin ascii_of_natK. 
Canonical ascii_choiceType := ChoiceType _ ascii_choiceMixin. 

(* Specific stuff for the order library *) 
Definition ascii_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed. 

Open Scope order_scope. 

(* We use the order from nat *) 
Definition lea x y := nat_of_ascii x <= nat_of_ascii y. 
Definition lta x y := ~~ (lea y x). 

Lemma lea_ltNeq x y : lta x y = (x != y) && (lea x y). 
rewrite /lta /lea leNgt negbK lt_neqAle. 
by rewrite (inj_eq (can_inj ascii_of_natK)). 
Lemma lea_refl : reflexive lea. 
Proof. by move=> x; apply: le_refl. Qed. 
Lemma lea_trans : transitive lea. 
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: le_trans. Qed. 
Lemma lea_anti : antisymmetric lea. 
Proof. by move=> x y /le_anti /(can_inj ascii_of_natK). Qed. 
Lemma lea_total : total lea. 
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed. 

(* We can now declare ascii to belong to the order class. We must declare its 
    subclasses first. *) 
Definition asciiPOrderMixin := 
    POrderMixin lea_ltNeq lea_refl lea_anti lea_trans. 

Canonical asciiPOrderType := POrderType ascii_display ascii asciiPOrderMixin. 

Definition asciiLatticeMixin := Order.TotalLattice.Mixin lea_total. 
Canonical asciiLatticeType := LatticeType ascii asciiLatticeMixin. 
Canonical asciiOrderType := OrderType ascii lea_total. 


"<= is total" == x <= y || y <= x 

< =は「決定可能関係」であり、どこで、もちろん、特定のタイプの平等の決定可能性を仮定します。任意の関係のために、具体的に:

Definition total (T: Type) (r : T -> T -> bool) := forall x y, r x y || r y x. 



Section InjOrder. 

Context {display : unit}. 
Local Notation orderType := (orderType display). 
Variable (T : orderType) (U : eqType) (f : U -> T) (f_inj : injective f). 

Open Scope order_scope. 

Let le x y := f x <= f y. 
Let lt x y := ~~ (f y <= f x). 
Lemma CO_le_ltNeq x y: lt x y = (x != y) && (le x y). 
Proof. by rewrite /lt /le leNgt negbK lt_neqAle (inj_eq f_inj). Qed. 
Lemma CO_le_refl : reflexive le. Proof. by move=> x; apply: le_refl. Qed. 
Lemma CO_le_trans : transitive le. Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: le_trans. Qed. 
Lemma CO_le_anti : antisymmetric le. Proof. by move=> x y /le_anti /f_inj. Qed. 

Definition InjOrderMixin : porderMixin U := 
    POrderMixin CO_le_ltNeq CO_le_refl CO_le_anti CO_le_trans. 
End InjOrder. 


Definition ascii_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed. 
Definition ascii_porderMixin := InjOrderMixin (can_inj ascii_of_natK). 
Canonical asciiPOrderType := POrderType ascii_display ascii ascii_porderMixin. 

Lemma lea_total : @total ascii (<=%O)%O. 
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed. 

Definition asciiLatticeMixin := Order.TotalLattice.Mixin lea_total. 
Canonical asciiLatticeType := LatticeType ascii asciiLatticeMixin. 
Canonical asciiOrderType := OrderType ascii lea_total. 