「Ctrlキーしかし、A」のコントロールボタンです Name Color Shape Size Cost Note 1 Note 2
Ctrl But A Fruit 1 a d f 1 6 9
Ctrl But B Fruit 2 b e g 2 7
Ctrl But C Fruit 3 a d f 3 10
Ctrl But D Fruit 4 b e g 4 8
Name: Fruit A
Colour: a
Shape: d
Size: f
Cost: 1
Note 1: 6
Note 2: 9
1. go to the top of the 'Name' cell
2. look up the value in the same row as the button
3. go to the top of the 'Color' cell
4. look up the value in the same row as the button
repeat until the end of the row is reached
output and save file