私が修正しようとしているコードはPythonで作成されたzorkプログラムですが、別のコードにループバックしようとすると、デフォルトのアイドル。私のコードを試してみてください。私は本当にこの問題の助けが必要です。これらのコマンドを実行すると起こります。 は が上がるダウン 行く 東 移動敷物行く北 開いているウィンドウ 行くウィンドウ を入力し、北に行きます。Pythonは以前のループ(Zork)に戻りません
#This sets the commands to be used
inv_command = ["inv", "inventory", "i"]
west = ["west", "w", "go west", "walk west"]
east = ["east", "e", "go east", "walk east"]
north = ["north", "n", "go north", "walk north"]
south = ["south", "s", "go south", "walk south"]
northeast = ["northeast", "ne", "go northeast", "walk northeast"]
northwest = ["northwest", "nw", "go northwest", "walk northwest"]
southeast = ["southeast", "se", "go southeast", "walk southeast"]
southwest = ["southwest", "sw", "go southwest", "walk southwest"]
up = ["up", "u", "go up", "go up stairs", "go up ladder", "up stairs", "up ladder"]
down = ["down", "d", "go down", "go down stairs", "go down ladder", "down stairs", "down ladder"]
take = ["take", "t"]
#This sets the objects
mailbox = 1
house_window = 0
house_bag = 0
knife = 0
lamp = 0
carpet = 0
rug = 0
light = 0
#This sets the inventory
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, name, attack, armour):
self.name = name
self.attack = attack
self.armour = armour
class Inventory(object):
def __init__(self):
self.items = {}
def add_item(self, item):
self.items[item.name] = item
def contain_item(self, item):
self.items["Leaflet"] = item
def print_items(self):
print('\t'.join(['Name', 'Atk', 'Arm']))
for item in self.items.values():
print('\t'.join([str(x) for x in [item.name, item.attack, item.armour]]))
inventory = Inventory()
#This is the spawn area
import string
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
inp = input("You wake up in a field surrounded by trees. The only pathway is going north \n>")
if inp in north:
loop = 2
elif inp in inv_command:
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the front of the house
while loop == 2:
inp = input("You face the front of a house. The windows are boarded up and the door is closed. In front there is a mailbox, and pathways leading west and further north\n>")
if inp in south:
loop = 1
elif inp in inv_command:
elif inp in north:
loop = 3
elif inp in west:
loop = 4
elif inp in "open door":
print("<The door is locked>")
elif inp in "open window":
print("<The windows can't be opened. They seem to be nailed shut>")
elif inp in "read leaflet":
if inventory.contain_item:
print("<Welcome to the text based adventure!>")
print("<When typing commands, please don't use capital letters.>")
print("<have fun!>")
print("<You don't have a leaflet>")
elif inp in "open mailbox":
if mailbox == 1:
print("<The mailbox contains a leaflet>")
print("<The mailbox is empty>")
elif inp in "take leaflet":
if mailbox == 1:
inventory.add_item(Item('Leaflet', 0, 0))
mailbox = 0
print("<You have taken the leaflet>")
print("<There's no leaflet in the mailbox>")
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the back of the house
while loop == 3:
inp = input("You face the back of the house, which has nothing except one ajar window. There is another pathway heading east \n>")
if inp in inv_command:
if inp in south:
loop = 2
if inp in "open window":
house_window = 1
print("<You opened the window enough for you to enter through>")
if inp in "enter window":
if house_window == 1:
loop = 5
print("<The window isn't opened enough to fit through>")
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the kitchen
while loop == 5:
inp = input("You are inside the kitchen of the house. On the table there is a bag, there is a staircase leading up stairs and to the east there is a living room \n>")
if inp in inv_command:
elif inp in "read manual":
if inventory.contain_item:
print("<Commands - inventory, take, open, attack>")
print("<Moving commands - go north, go south, go northeast, go northwest, go southeast, go southwest, up, down.>")
print("<Good luck!>")
elif inp in up:
loop = 9
elif inp in east:
loop = 8
elif inp in "exit window":
loop = 3
elif inp == "open bag":
print("<The bag contains a manual>")
elif inp == "take bag":
print("<You would much rather take what's inside the bag then the bag itself>")
elif inp == "take manual":
if house_bag == 0:
print("<You took the manual>")
house_bag = 1
inventory.add_item(Item('manual', 0, 0))
print("<You have already taken the manual>")
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the living room
while loop == 8:
if rug == 0:
inp = input("You are in the living room and you see a rug on the floor.\n>")
if rug == 1:
inp = input("You are in the living room and you can see a trap door.\n>")
if inp == "move rug":
rug = 1
print("<You have found a trap door to the basement>")
if inp in down:
loop = 11
if inp in inv_command:
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the Attic of the house
while loop == 9:
if knife == 0:
if lamp == 0:
inp = input("You are in the attic, you can see a lamp and a knife. You see blood stains and stairs downwards \n>")
inp = input("You are in the attic, you can see a knife. You see blood stains and stairs downwards \n>")
elif knife == 1:
if lamp == 0:
inp = input("You are in the attic, you can see a lamp. You see blood stains and stairs downwards \n>")
inp = input("You are in the attic. You see blood stains and stairs downwards \n>")
if inp in inv_command:
elif inp in down:
loop = 5
elif inp in "take knife":
if knife == 0:
print("You pulled the knife out from the wall and put it in your pocket")
print("<You have obtain a knife>")
knife = 1
inventory.add_item(Item('knife', 3, 0))
print("<You have already taken the knife>")
elif inp in "take lamp":
if lamp == 0:
print("<You have taken the lamp>")
lamp = 1
inventory.add_item(Item('lamp', 0,0))
print("<You have already taken the lamp>")
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the underground entrance
while loop == 11:
if lamp == 1:
if light == 0:
inp = input("It is dark, you can't see anything.\n>")
if inp in up:
loop = 8
if inp in inv_command:
if inp == "turn on lamp" or "turn lamp on":
print("<You turned on the lamp>")
light = 1
if light == 1:
inp = input("You are below the living room, where you can see a entrance to a underground tunnel north of you.\n>")
if inp in up:
loop = 8
if inp in inv_command:
if inp in north:
loop = 12
if lamp == 0:
inp = input("It is dark, you can't see anything you need to find a lamp.\n>")
if inp in up:
loop = 8
if inp in inv_command:
print("<You can't do that>")
#This is the west forest entrance
while loop == 4:
inp = input("You are now in a dense forest. There is a fork in the road going NorthWest and SouthWest \n>")
if inp in inv_command:
elif inp in east:
loop = 2
elif inp in northwest:
loop = 6
elif inp in southwest:
loop = 7
print("<You can't do that>")
inp == "ランプを点灯"またはinp == "ランプを点灯"すれば大丈夫だと思います:正しい方法にしてください –
甘いクリスマス...リファクタリングについて読んだら、たくさんの良い本があります。後で感謝します。がんばろう! – alfasin