2017-12-18 19 views


{-# language FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, CPP #-} 
import Data.String.Conversions 


(++<>) :: (
    ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings b Text 
    => a -> b -> Text 
a ++<> b = cs a <> cs b 

csappend :: (
    ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings Text c) 
    => a -> b -> c 
csappend a b = cs (a ++<> b) 


singleFunction :: (
    ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings Text c, 
    Monoid Text) => a -> b -> c 
singleFunction a b = cs (cs a <> cs b) 



xyz :: String 
xyz = do 
    let s = "test"      :: String 
    csappend (csappend s s :: String) s :: String -- this typechecks 
    csappend (csappend s s) s   :: String -- this does not typechecks 

。私は、エラーの理由を理解していない - 型制約は同じように見える、そしておそらく何か他のものは、エラーの原因である場合、私は思ったんだけど?

• Could not deduce (ConvertibleStrings a0 c) 
     arising from a use of ‘cs’ 
     from the context: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings Text c) 
     bound by the type signature for: 
        singleFunction :: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
             ConvertibleStrings b Text, ConvertibleStrings Text c) => 
            a -> b -> c 
     at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:(37,1)-(40,43) 
     The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous 
     Relevant bindings include 
     singleFunction :: a -> b -> c 
      (bound at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:1) 
     These potential instances exist: 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings StrictText StrictText 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings StrictText String 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings String StrictText 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     ...plus one other 
     ...plus 21 instances involving out-of-scope types 
     (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) 
    • In the expression: cs (cs a <> cs b) 
     In an equation for ‘singleFunction’: 
      singleFunction a b = cs (cs a <> cs b) 

/home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:26: error: 
    • Could not deduce (ConvertibleStrings a a0) 
     arising from a use of ‘cs’ 
     from the context: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings Text c) 
     bound by the type signature for: 
        singleFunction :: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
             ConvertibleStrings b Text, ConvertibleStrings Text c) => 
            a -> b -> c 
     at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:(37,1)-(40,43) 
     The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous 
     Relevant bindings include 
     a :: a (bound at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:16) 
     singleFunction :: a -> b -> c 
      (bound at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:1) 
     These potential instances exist: 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings StrictText StrictText 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings StrictText String 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings String StrictText 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     ...plus one other 
     ...plus 21 instances involving out-of-scope types 
     (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) 
    • In the first argument of ‘(<>)’, namely ‘cs a’ 
     In the first argument of ‘cs’, namely ‘(cs a <> cs b)’ 
     In the expression: cs (cs a <> cs b) 

/home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:26: error: 
    • Could not deduce (Monoid a0) arising from a use of ‘<>’ 
     from the context: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings Text c) 
     bound by the type signature for: 
        singleFunction :: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
             ConvertibleStrings b Text, ConvertibleStrings Text c) => 
            a -> b -> c 
     at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:(37,1)-(40,43) 
     The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous 
     These potential instances exist: 
     instance Monoid a => Monoid (IO a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’ 
     instance Monoid Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’ 
     instance Monoid Text -- Defined in ‘Data.Text’ 
     ...plus 8 others 
     ...plus 19 instances involving out-of-scope types 
     (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) 
    • In the first argument of ‘cs’, namely ‘(cs a <> cs b)’ 
     In the expression: cs (cs a <> cs b) 
     In an equation for ‘singleFunction’: 
      singleFunction a b = cs (cs a <> cs b) 

/home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:34: error: 
    • Could not deduce (ConvertibleStrings b a0) 
     arising from a use of ‘cs’ 
     from the context: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
         ConvertibleStrings Text c) 
     bound by the type signature for: 
        singleFunction :: (ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
             ConvertibleStrings b Text, ConvertibleStrings Text c) => 
            a -> b -> c 
     at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:(37,1)-(40,43) 
     The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous 
     Relevant bindings include 
     b :: b (bound at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:18) 
     singleFunction :: a -> b -> c 
      (bound at /home/chris/Projects/Haskell/Hart/Hart.hs:41:1) 
     These potential instances exist: 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings StrictText StrictText 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings StrictText String 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     instance [safe] ConvertibleStrings String StrictText 
      -- Defined in ‘Data.String.Conversions’ 
     ...plus one other 
     ...plus 21 instances involving out-of-scope types 
     (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all) 
    • In the second argument of ‘(<>)’, namely ‘cs b’ 
     In the first argument of ‘cs’, namely ‘(cs a <> cs b)’ 
     In the expression: cs (cs a <> cs b) 



コンパイラが中間型を推論できないため、この定義は機能しません。 あなたはabTextに変換されているコンパイラに約束していますが、場所を呼び出すことによって定義されたcs a結果の型を呼び出し、唯一のサイトコンパイラを呼び出すにタイプを導出した後、制約をチェックするとき。ここでは、すぐに多型結果に再びcsを呼び出し、GHCはあなたが意味するものではどのような種類を知りません。 ++<> explicitylyは、戻り値の型でTextを持っているので

singleFunction :: (
    ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
    ConvertibleStrings Text c, 
    Monoid Text) => a -> b -> c 
singleFunction a b = cs (cs a <> cs b) 



singleFunction :: (
     ConvertibleStrings a Text, 
     ConvertibleStrings b Text, 
     ConvertibleStrings Text c) => a -> b -> c 
singleFunction a b = cs ((cs a <> cs b) :: Text) 