<script id="language-confirmation-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="signon_language_confirmation">
<p class="title_langconf">Welcome to</p>
<img src="">
<div class="wrapper_form_dark language_confirmation_form wrapper_form_sign_on">
<form id="language_confirmation">
<div class="form_section">
<div class="wrapper_input col_16_of_16">
<p>I speak {{native_language}} <svg class="icon_standard"><use xlink:href="#{{native_language}}"/></svg></p>
<p>I am learning {{learning_language}} <svg class="icon_standard"><use xlink:href="#{{learning_language}}"/></svg></p>
<div class="wrapper_tou_signup">
<p><input type="checkbox" name="tou" value="agree" id="touCheck"> I agree to Lexody's <a href="#">terms of use</a>.</p>
<div class="submit_cancel">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn_primary submit">
私は "キャッチされないにReferenceError:userIdをが定義されていない(...)" を取得してい提出した場合:ここで
$.get("/set_languages_user", function(res) {
if (res.length === 0) {
var getUserInfo = $.get('/set_user', function(res){
var langConfirmSource = $('#language-confirmation-template').html();
var langConfirmCompiled = Handlebars.compile(langConfirmSource);
var langConfirmTemplate = langConfirmCompiled(res)
var userId = res.id
var native_language = res.native_language
var learning_language = res.learning_language
$(document).on('submit', '#language_confirmation', function(e){
// prevent user from continuing if they haven't checked that they agree to the term's of use
if ($('#touCheck').is(':checked')) {
// this function finds the ID of the User's defined languages
var getUserInfo = $.get('/languages.json', function(lang){
// Find the ID of the languages the User is supporting in order to submit to languages_users db
for (i = 0; i < lang.length; i++) {
if (lang[i].language === native_language) {
var confirmedUserNativeInt = lang[i].id
for (i = 0; i < lang.length; i++) {
if (lang[i].language === learning_language) {
var confirmedUserLearningInt = lang[i].id
// creates a new instance in languages_user for the learningLanguage (level 1)
$.post("/languages_users", { languages_user:{ language_id: confirmedUserLearningInt, user_id: userId, level: 1 }})
// creates a new instance in languages_user for the nativelanguage (level 5)
$.post("/languages_users", { languages_user:{ language_id: confirmedUserNativeInt, user_id: userId, level: 5 } })
} else {
console.log('not checked!!!')
$('.wrapper_tou_signup').append('<p class="message_form_error">You must agree to Lexody\'s Terms of Use to continue.</p>')
がレンダリングされているハンドルバーのテンプレートです。その変数がその関数にアクセスできるようにするにはどうすればよいのですか?その変数はアクセスできないのですが、他の変数( 'confirmedUserLearningInt'および 'confirmedUserNativeInt')はどうしてですか?
ありがとうございましたが、これらの二つの変数は、ポスト機能でアクセス可能です。それは動作していないuserId変数です。 – user3006927